This fork upgrades the orginal library to support Godot 4.x. It compiles against the 3.5 and master branches of godot.
Integration of JCash's Voronoi implementation as a Godot V3.1.1 module.
Download the contents of this git repository into Godot's module folder and re-build Godot.
The module folder needs to be named voronoi
, otherwise Godot won't compile properly.
git clone voronoi --recurse-submodules
extends Node2D
var diagram
func _ready():
# Create voronoi generator
var points = PackedVector2Array([Vector2(0,0)])
for i in 100:
points.append(Vector2(randi_range(0, 1000), randi_range(0, 1000)))
var generator =
# optional: set boundaries for diagram, otherwise boundaries are computed based on points
# optional: relax points N times, resulting in more equal sites
# Generate diagram
diagram = generator.generate_diagram()
func _draw():
# Iterate over sites
for site in diagram.sites():
var center =
#print("site: ", site, "center: ", center)
draw_circle(center, 5, Color(randf(), randf(), randf()))
# Iterate over edges
for edge in diagram.edges():
draw_line(edge.start(), edge.end(), Color.BLACK, 2.0)