This is light weight realtime text collabation tool. It has the following key components
- YJS for CRDT
- Monaco for editor
- WebRTC as communication protocol
- Node Node js for signalling server and authentication server
- MySQL MySQL database to store room passwords and room creator information
- node v18.0.0
- npm 9.8.1
The backend has mainly 3 components. Signalling server, authentication server and a MySQL database
cd backend; node init.js ; docker-compose build --no-cache ; docker-compose up
This wil start the MySQL database, signalling server and auth server with the default values which are present in backend.json
This editor needs a signalling server. We will explain how to start the server.
Go to backend.json and edit the SIGNALLING_SERVER to the IP address of the machine where you will be running the server. You can choose to change the SIGNALLING PORT if you want.
We need to start the signalling server
cd backend
npm install
node server.js
Anyone who creates a new room is known as the admin of that room. Admins get to set the password of their room. This record of room, admin, password is stored in a MySQL database. The APIs to store and verify this information are present in app.js . Without this node service, the room creation and password verification will fail.
To configure the details of this server go to backend.json and configure the listed details
"AUTH_PORT": 24555,
"SIGNALLING_SERVER": "localhost",
"BACKEND_SERVER": "localhost"
These properties are relevant for the authentication service. App.js will run in the AUTH_PORT.
To configure the details of this server go to db.json and configure the listed details
"usertable": "users",
"service_name": "mysql_service",
"host": "localhost",
"user": "collab_user",
"password": "Collab_11122023",
"database": "collab",
"port": 21992,
"connectTimeout": 60000,
"root_password": "MySQLRootPassword",
"health_table": "collab_health_table"
You can run the DDL and DML scripts which we have added in schema-template.sql
cd backend && npm install
npm install
node app.js
npm install
npm run dev
If after compilation you want to run on production mode in local. Then run the following commands
npm install
npm run build
npm run preview
Unit tests have been created using jest
npm install
npm run test