I'm iOS Developer. I really enjoy learning languages and frameworks like Swift/Objective-C and R.swift, SnapKit, KingFisher, Alamofire and etc.
- 📱 Swift
- 🍮 R.swift, KingFisher, Nuke, SnapKit, Yandex Maps Mobile, Apple MapKit, Fastlane, Firebase (Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging, Remote Config), Sentry, Cocoapods, Swift Package Manager
- 🛣 Interface Builder (Storyboard, XIB/NIB) and programatically
- 🍏 App Clips, iOS Widgets, watchOS Apps
- 🤖 Kotlin
- 🏛 MV(X) - (MVC, MVP, MVVM) and Clean Architecture
- ⌨️ Jira, Confluence, Git