Releases: manga-download/hakuneko
nightly(master) • 2020-07-05T00:14:37UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.
Note: this build is "old" but will self update with changes in the master branch and therefore doesn't require us to release a new "client".
You can review activity here:
nightly(master) • 2020-07-04T12:00:11UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.
nightly(master) • 2020-07-02T00:15:09UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.
nightly(master) • 2020-07-01T00:15:01UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.
nightly(master) • 2020-02-02T00:08:52UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.
nightly(master) • 2020-01-27T00:14:48UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.
Note: this build is "old" but will self update with changes in the 6.1.7 branch and therefore doesn't require us to release a new "client".
You can review activity here:
This build has passed the pre-flight tests #955 and is therefore considered as stable.
The installer packages will automatically find your previous settings after installation.
For the portable packages the User Data Directory needs to be copied to the new version.
Linux (Debian-based)
Linux (RedHat-based)
nightly(master) • 2020-01-19T00:13:26UTC
This is an automated repository snapshot build.
It is untested and not intended for use in production.