yarn start
yarn build
- column & row sort
- cell edit
- cell calculate
- start sort: click target column or row's table header
- sort order: normal[
] => ascending => descending
- start edit: doubleClick cell
- confirm: cell blur & keydown enter
- cancel: keydown esc
start calculate: enter word and start with
support Operator:
operator descirption example + addition 2+1 => 3 - subtraction 2-1 => 1 * multiplication 2*1 => 2 / division 4/2 => 2 % mod 4%3 => 1 ^ exponentiation 4^2 => 16 -
need enter
as string: start with'=
|-- Excel-DEMO
|-- .gitignore
|-- package.json
|-- README.md
|-- tsconfig.json
|-- yarn.lock
|-- build // parsed codes
|-- public // static html
| |-- favicon.ico
| |-- index.html
| |-- manifest.json
|-- src // sourse codes
|-- App.css
|-- App.test.tsx
|-- App.tsx
|-- index.css
|-- index.tsx
|-- react-app-env.d.ts
|-- serviceWorker.ts
|-- components // 组件
| |-- Cell
| | |-- Cell.module.css
| | |-- Cell.tsx
| | |-- index.tsx
| |-- SortCell
| | |-- index.tsx
| | |-- SortCell.module.css
| | |-- SortCell.tsx
| |-- Table
| |-- index.tsx
| |-- Table.module.css
| |-- Table.tsx
|-- tools // 工具函数
|-- createGrid.ts
|-- sortGrid.ts
|-- strEval.ts