Reshapes Arabic words to work in non-supported environments and with custom web fonts.
Meant to be used in the browser, but can also be used in server-side environments for things such as generating PDF files. This script mainly converts characters in the Arabic block to Arabic Presentation Forms-A/B — something that rendering engines should do by themselves but sometimes fail to do so. This solves the issue of disconnected Arabic letters which can be seen while using a custom font in almost all platforms (Web, Android, iOS, ...)
For more details, check these articles on Wikipedia:
This script is inspired by the following projects:
npm i --save arabic-reshaper
var ArabicReshaper = require('arabic-reshaper');
document.write(ArabicReshaper.convertArabic('السلام عليكم')); // outputs ﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ