This docker image is made up of common used tools I use for working with Kubernetes on Azure.
You do not need to install tools seperately and only need docker to run this container
This docker image includes:
- Kubectl
- Azure CLI
- Helm
- kubectx
- kubens
- Heptio ark
- Cloudfare SSL tools (for boostrapping clusters)
You will want to persist your files on your pc somewhere.
On Windows, I do this in C:\Users\<ME>\kube-tools\
On Linux, I use my home dir.
Make sure the above folder exists!
I recommend using Powershell for Windows, but for bash on windows:
Ensure $PWD
works, set this in your bash terminal: export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1
You can install kube-tools via your bash profile and then simply run kubetools
to start it up.
Run it: (Replace the user directory with yours!)
docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/work `
-v $home/kube-tools/.azure:/root/.azure `
-v $home/kube-tools/.kube:/root/.kube `
--rm --workdir /work aimvector/kube-tools:latest
Setup an alias for kubetools
echo "alias kubetools='docker run -it --rm -v ~/.azure:/root/.azure -v \$PWD:/kubetools -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube --rm --network=host --workdir /kubetools aimvector/kube-tools'" >> ~/.bashrc
Or just run the image:
docker run -it --rm -v ~/.azure:/root/.azure -v $PWD:/var/lib/src -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube --rm --network=host --workdir /var/lib/src aimvector/kube-tools
Once in, you can access the tools:
kubectl --help
helm --help
az --help
ark --help
Alternatively, grab running the following command and get kubetools
add to your /usr/local/bin
wget -qO ~/kubetools
chdmox +x ~/kubetools
sudo mv ~/kubetools /usr/local/bin/kubetools
If you wish to customise it, you can build it from source:
docker build . -t kube-tools