Extract tagged resources from your AWS account into a S3. Query them using SQL.
This application is available on the AWS Serverless Repository for immediate use.
For in-depth details on this solution, please check the official AWS Architecture blog post
- Lambda function to extract Tag information for all resources within an AWS account and upload the tags (via a CSV file) into an S3 bucket
- A Python3 script to query via SQL the tag CSV file stored in S3
Due to a limitation of the AWS Serverless Repository, after you deploy this Serverless App you'll have to manually add the following policy to the Lambda role in order to allow the Lambda function to fetch resource tags.
"Version" : "2012-10-17",
"Statement" : [{
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Action" : "tag:GetResources",
"Resource" : "*"
Navigate to the AWS Lambda Console and run provided Lambda function AWSTaggedResourcesExtractor
(alternatively, add a regular trigger via CloudWatch events). The Lambda function will generate a CSV file (name provided during stack creation) under the S3 bucket (name provided during stack creation) specified to store all tags extracted from the AWS account where the Lambda resides in.
You can also invoke the extraction process locally if you have access to the code like this:
export S3TagBucket="S3-BUCKET-TO-HOLD-TAGS-FILE"
export S3TagKey="mytags.csv" # replace with any file name you wish
python aws-tags-extractor.py
The CSV file containing tag information contains the following columns: ResourceArn
, TagKey
, TagValue
. Run, SQL queries against the CSV file using the provided aws-tags-querier.py
Python3 script.
Here's an example:
Query: Return the resource ARNs of all route tables containing a tag named 'aws:cloudformation:stack-name' in the QA
AWS account
python aws-tags-querier \
--key mytags.csv \
--query "select ResourceArn from s3object s \
where s.ResourceArn like 'arn:aws:ec2%route-table%' \
and s.TagKey='aws:cloudformation:stack-name'"
Happy Tagging!