Software designed to take demultiplexed Illumina flowcells and shove 'em through an analysis pipeline (e.g. Piper/GATK).
This document is to be regareded as a internal instruction for developers at NGI at this stage - the instructions are not guaranteed to be complete nor comprehensive. Some time then things are more stable we'll write up a real README here. You have been warned!
NGI_pipeline is designed to be run on UPPMAX-cluster infrastructure. The main purpose of it is to allow NGI-Uppsala and NGI-Stockholm to automatically process all the Whole Human Genomes samples that will be generated in the next years. However, ngi_pipeline is not limited to Piper as engine and can be easily expanded with other engines.
In the following we will provide a guide to deploy NGI_pipeline and Piper on UPPMAX-clusters.
Project a2013205
is the designed production project for IGN and future Xten samples. It will be used to process all Human samples produced in the close future and, reasonably, also other projects once we will employ ngi_pipeline as main bioinformatic pipeline.
These are the steps to deploy the pipeline under project a2014205
ssh funk_001@milou-b
cd /proj/a2014205/software/
git clone
conda create -n NGI pip sqlalchemy # create virtual environment if it does not exists
source activate NGI
python develop
Set up config file for ngi_pipeline (an uppmax predefined is available in the main ngi_pipeline folder):
mkdir /proj/a2014205/ngi_resources
cd /proj/a2014205/ngi_resources
ln -s /proj/a2014205/software/ngi_pipeline/uppmax_ngi_config.yaml .
The $HOME/.bashrc
should look something like that (to get your API token from Charon on the charon website click users and then click your username) :
export NGI_CONFIG=/proj/a2014205/ngi_resources/uppmax_ngi_config.yaml
#### MAVEN piper dependency #####
export PATH=$PATH:/proj/a2014205/software/apache-maven-3.2.3/bin
To install Piper, make sure that you've installed all dependencies (see for more information) then use the following:
git clone
cd piper
sbt/bin/sbt clean
./ /proj/a2014205/software/piper_bin/
Follow the instructions and add the following to you .bashrc
#### PIPER ####
module load java/sun_jdk1.7.0_25
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sw/apps/build/slurm-drmaa/default/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PIPER_GLOB_CONF=/proj/a2014205/software/piper_bin/workflows/
export PIPER_GLOB_CONF_XML=/proj/a2014205/software/piper_bin/workflows/uppmax_global_config.xml
N.B. by default the uppmax_glocal_config.xml
points to files in project a2009002, execute the following command to change this:
sed -i ’s/a2009002/a2014205/' /proj/a2014205/software/piper_bin/workflows/uppmax_global_config.xml
Project a2014205 contains all resources necessary to execute ngi_pipeline and Piper, in particular:
|-- ngi_resources
|-- piper_references
|-- piper_resources
contains the configuration file needed to ngi_pipeline to know where process data and where find other necessary resources. Moreover it contains the local sql-lite database used to keep track of the jobs currently running on the cluster.
contains files used by piper to align and to call variants
contains tools and other resources used by piper
Running ngi_pipeline on the Pilot data.
Pilot project data is stored in INBOX of project a2014205 and it is processed in $WORK_FOLDER=/proj/a2014205/nobackup/NGI/analysis_ready/ $WORK_FOLDER looks like
contains the data stored into INBOX
but sorted for project/sample/library_prep/run
. Currently we soft-link the data here both for testing purposes (the pipeline can be tried from beginning to end without the need to copy huge files) and to alleviate the load on nestor file system. This reshuffling of the data is managed by the ngi_pipeline using the information stored into Charon. For Uppsala project not yet present in the db there is currently a fix that I hope will soon disappear.
contains the analysis for each project. For each project the following folders are present:
├── 01_raw_alignments
├── 02_preliminary_alignment_qc
├── 03_genotype_concordance
├── 04_merged_aligments
├── 05_processed_alignments
├── 06_final_alignment_qc
├── 07_variant_calls
├── 08_misc
└── logs
which contains all the steps of the piper.
In the folder: /proj/a2014205/software/ngi_pipeline/scripts/
there are a couple of utility scripts to run the pipeline at various stages. This will probably became the scripts called by new pm.
Let us see how to run analysis for M.Kaller_14_06:
In the current workflow we want to start alignments every time data is generated. In this context we want to automatically start the pipeline every time data is produced. For now we need to simulate this, and this can be done with the script analyze flowcell </path/to/flowcell>
This script starts the alignment of all human WGS project (i.e., projects in charon or produced from uppsala) that are present in the flowcell.
The command first checks the local_db to check what processes are running. This is done in order to avoid starting analysis of flowcells that are already under analysis.
The local_db is checked and charon are updated; once this is done, ngi_pipeline attmepts to launch the analysis for the current flowcell (if any analysis is needed).
In general, analyses are triggered automatically through a REST API. An example of how to launch analyses manually follows:
#### M.KALLER_14_05 and M.Kaller_14_08
#### M.Kaller_14_06
##### Uppsala projects
for flowcell in ${FCARRAY[@]}; do analyze flowcell $flowcell
(Very soon this script will take as input mulitple flowcells, but now you know how bash arrays work. You're welcome!)
In the case a sample failed you can force the re-run: analyze project —-sample P1170_105 --restart-failed /proj/a2014205/nobackup/NGI/analysis_ready/DATA/M.Kaller_14_05/