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How to edit the site

hamstar edited this page Nov 26, 2012 · 1 revision

The site is run on Github Pages so it is laid out in a way that can be interpreted by Jekyll. For this reason you will need to install Jekyll to preview the changes you make to the site before committing.

Installing Jekyll

If you are an rvm person you should create a new gemset for jekyll (rvm use --create 1.9.3@jekyll), otherwise, read on.

Jekyll runs on ruby and makes use of a gem that uses python so you will need to install ruby and python on your system if it is not already there, then you can install Jekyll and some dependencies using rubys gem command and pythons easy_install command. You may or may not need to use sudo depending on your setup.

gem install jekyll
gem install redcloth
gem install rdiscount
easy_install pygments

Fork and clone the repo

Fork this repo and clone the fork so you have a local copy.

Start Jekyll

In your terminal, jump into your cloned repo and run the command jekyll --server --auto and you should get some output that includes a port number (mine was 4000). You can then view the site by going to http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

Make your changes

Make your changes by editing the files. Main page content is in the md files and uses the markdown syntax to format the pages instead of HTML. If you want to create a new page you will need to make it a .md file as well and add the following (YAML front matter) to the very start of the file.

layout: index

Then you can access the new page (e.g. via http://localhost:4000/contributors.html so keep the filenames simple.

Create pull request

Commit and push your changes. Then do a pull request on Github to submit your code to the main repository. It is then up to a maintainer to add your changes.