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GitHub Action

Conventional PR


Conventional PR


Conventional PR

Validates and enforces clean pull request style in your GitHub projects without hassle


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Conventional PR

uses: Namchee/conventional-pr@v0.3.0

Learn more about this action in Namchee/conventional-pr

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Conventional PR

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Conventional PR is a simple GitHub Action that attempts to ease your burden in managing your GitHub-hosted projects by automatically moderating low-quality pull requests (PR).

A PR is considered to be low quality if it satisfies at least one of these criterion:

  • Doesn't have a description on it (empty body).
  • Doesn't attempt to solve an issue (reference an issue).
  • Doesn't follow conventional commit style
  • Affects too many file at once. Smaller pull requests are easier to be reviewed, thus keeping the review quality high.

You can disable checking on draft pull requests, see below options


  1. Automatically label and comment on low quality PRs.
  2. Enforce commit style to everyone, even on administrators.
  3. Automatically close low quality PRs.

Disclaimer: This project is really new. If you want to suggest a new feature, just drop it to issues section and label your request with the enhancement.


Simply add this action on one of your GitHub workflows job:

on: pull_request # Run these every new pull request

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: hqprs
        uses: Namchee/conventional-pr@v(version)
          access_token: YOUR_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE

Please refer to GitHub workflow syntax for more advanced usage.

See it in action here


You can customize this actions with these following options (fill it on with section):

Name Required? Default Description
access_token true GitHub access token to interact with GitHub API. It is recommended to store this token with GitHub Secrets
close false true Determine whether the action should automatically close low quality pull requests.
template false See The Metadata Comment template to use when commenting on low quality pull requests
strict false true Determine whether the restrictions should apply to repository administrators.
label false Nonconventional Label to use when marking low quality pull requests. If it doesn't exist, the action will automatically create it.
allowed_types false '' Allowed types according to conventional commit style. Fill it with empty string to allow all types.
allowed_scopes false '' Allowed scopes according to conventional commit style. Fill it with empty string to allow all scopes.
check_draft false false Determine whether quality checks should also check draft pull requests.
maximum_file_change false 0 Limits how many file can be changed per one pull request. Set it to zero to disable this feature.


  • If the issues are linked manually and are not mentioned in the PR body, the PR is still considered to be invalid.


This project is licensed under the MIT License