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GitHub Action

PowerShell script


PowerShell script


PowerShell script

Run PowerShell scripts within a hydrated context, with workflow-command cmdlets; inspired by actions/github-script.


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PowerShell script

uses: Amadevus/pwsh-script@v1.0.0

Learn more about this action in Amadevus/pwsh-script

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GitHub Action to run PowerShell scripts that use the workflow run context - inspired by actions/github-script.

GitHub top language CI GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub commits since latest release (by date)

In order to use this action, script input is provided. The value of that input should be the body of a PowerShell script.

The following is initialized before your script is executed:

Environment variables are accessed in the standard PowerShell way ($env:my_var).

Note This action requires pwsh to actually be available and on PATH of the runner - which is the case for all GitHub-provided runner VMs; for your own runners you need to take care of that yourself.

This action has an extensive self-testing suite in CI workflow.

Reading step results

The return value of the script will be made available in the step's outputs under the result key.

- uses: Amadevus/pwsh-script@v1
  id: my-script
    script: '1 + 1'
- run: echo "${{ }}"
  # should print 2

Result encoding

If the script return value is a single string, it'll be set as the value of the result output directly. In any other case, it'll be passed to ConvertTo-Json $Value -Depth 100 -Compress -EscapeHandling EscapeNonAscii and the string result of that call will be set as the output value.

- uses: Amadevus/pwsh-script@v1
  id: bad-script
    script: return [ordered]@{ x = 'a1'; y = 'b2' }
  continue-on-error: true
- run: echo '${{ steps.bad-script.outputs.result }}'
  # should print {"x":"a1","y":"b2"}

Error handling

If the script throws an error/exception, it'll be caught, printed to the log and the error message will be set as an error output of the action.

- uses: Amadevus/pwsh-script@v1
  id: bad-script
    script: 'throw "this fails"'
  continue-on-error: true
- run: echo "${{ steps.bad-script.outputs.error }}"
  # should print 'this fails'

Actions cmdlets

A module called GitHubActionsCore will be imported in the scope of your script. It provides commands that are available for JavaScript Actions by @actions/core package, such as:

  • Set-ActionOutput
  • Write-ActionWarning
  • Set-ActionFailed

For module documentation, see GitHubActionsCore README.

The module has a good test suite written in Pester.


- uses: Amadevus/pwsh-script@v1
  id: script
    script: |
      Write-ActionDebug "This will be visible only when ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG secret is set"

      # we have access to full context objects:
      if ($github.event.repository.full_name -ne $github.repository) {
        throw "something fishy's going on, repos don't match" # will cause step to fail

      $someData = Get-MyCustomData
      # this data may contain action-command-like strings (e.g. '::warning::...')
      # we can prevent interpreting these by GitHub by printing them in NoCommandsBlock:
      Invoke-ActionNoCommandsBlock -GenerateToken {
        Write-Host $someData # this won't result in any commands
      # now we can send commands again

      # let's set env:BE_AWESOME=always, but for all the following actions/steps as well:
      Set-ActionVariable BE_AWESOME always

      # also we'll add path to our custom tool to PATH for the following steps:
      $toolPath = Resolve-Path ./tools/bin
      Add-ActionPath $toolPath

      # let's also warn if it's too late for people to work in Greenwich ;)
      if ([datetime]::UtcNow.Hour -ge 22) {
        Write-ActionWarning "It's time to go to bed. Don't write code late at night! ⚠"


Changelog is kept in


This action is licensed under MIT license.