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GitHub Action

Publish GitHub pages

v1.2.4 Latest version

Publish GitHub pages


Publish GitHub pages

Publish static site to orphan GitHub pages branch


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Publish GitHub pages

uses: andre487/publish-to-orphan-gh-pages@v1.2.4

Learn more about this action in andre487/publish-to-orphan-gh-pages

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Action for publishing static site to orphan GitHub pages branch

Test commit

GitHub action for publish generated static content to orphan (no common history with main branch) GitHub pages branch

GitHub pages branch in this scheme contains only static site build content, and some system GitHub files like 'CNAME' (special file for custom domain)

In publishing process old content of the site having been erased completely (with some reservations) and replaced with a new version, except files and directories that passed in action inputs



  • src_dir – The relative to the repository root path directory path with generated site content. Required
  • dest_dir – The directory to put content in GitHub pages branch. Default: .
  • branch – The GitHub pages branch. Default: gh-pages
  • deploy_private_key – Secret with deploy SSH private key for the repository. Required
  • author_name – Name of commit author. Default: $GITHUB_ACTOR
  • author_email – Email of commit author. Default: $
  • important_files – Files outside the build that should be in the result. JSON array string. Default: ["CNAME"]
  • debug – Log debug messages. Default: false
name: Publish static site to GitHub Pages
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out
        uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Build site (replace this step to your own build logic)
        run: npm run build -- --dest-dir ./build
      - name: Publish content to GitHub Pages
        uses: andre487/publish-to-orphan-gh-pages@v1.0.1
          src_dir: ./build
          dest_dir: .
          branch: gh-pages
          deploy_private_key: ${{ secrets.REPO_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          important_files: '["CNAME", "custom-file.html"]'
          debug: false

Deploy key

It's an SSH key that authorize committer to make a commit to this current repository. This type of authorization is chosen because it grants access only for one repository and only for push, not other actions than can be performed by API

Generate SSH key pair:

  $ cd secret-dir
  $ ssh-keygen -m PKCS8 -b 4096 -t rsa -f ./repo_deploy_id_rsa

It's recommended to generate keys on an Ubuntu Linux machine for avoiding some OpenSSH compatibility issues like this

Do not set passphrase for this key type. After this step there will be two files in the secret-dir:

  • repo_deploy_id_rsa – private key
  • – public key

Then add the public key file's content to repository deploy keys by manual. Grant write access for this key

Add the private key file's content to repository secrets by manual


Prepare for development:

  $ npm install
  $ npm run prepare

Before commit:

  $ npm run fix

Important. This action runs not from sources but from dist/index.js so need to build before merge:

  $ npm run build
  $ git commit dist

Or run shortcut:

  $ npm run check-commit


Other action for GitHub pages: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages