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Semver Info Action

2.0.29 Latest version

Semver Info Action


Semver Info Action

Cleans, parses, and compares semantic versions, providing essential insights into versioning, stability, and compatibility


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Semver Info Action

uses: YunaBraska/semver-info-action@2.0.29

Learn more about this action in YunaBraska/semver-info-action

Choose a version

Semver Info Action

Cleans, parses, and compares semantic versions, providing essential insights into versioning, stability, and compatibility, making software release management a breeze!

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- name: "Read Semver Info"
  id: "semver_info"
  uses: YunaBraska/semver-info-action@main

  # CONFIGS (Optional)
    semver-a: 'v1.2.3-rc.4'
    semver-b: 'v5.6.7-rc.8'
    fallBack-semver-a: '0.0.1'
    fallBack-semver-b: '0.0.1'
    increase-a: 'none'
    increase-b: 'none'

- name: "Print Semver Info"
  run: |
    echo "clean_semver         [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.clean_semver }}]"
    echo "is_stable            [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.is_stable }}]"
    echo "is_valid_semver      [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.is_valid_semver }}]"
    echo "is_major_change      [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.is_major_change }}]"
    echo "is_a_greater_than_b  [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.is_greater_a }}]"
    echo "next_major           [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.next_major }}]"
    echo "next_major_a         [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.next_major_a }}]"
    echo "next_major_b         [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.next_major_b }}]"
    echo "next_minor           [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.next_minor }}]"
    echo "next_patch           [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.next_patch }}]"
    echo "next_rc              [${{ steps.semver_info.outputs.next_rc }}]"


parameter Example Default Description
semver-a v1.2.3-rc.4 null Semver A to process
semver-b v5.6.7-rc.8 null Semver B to process - will be compared against the first semver
fallBack-semver-a 0.0.1 null The fallback version A in case version A is not valid
fallBack-semver-b 0.0.1 null The fallback version B in case version B is not valid
increase-a major null Increase version A before processing [major, minor, patch, rc]
increase-b patch null Increase version B before processing [major, minor, patch, rc]
null-to-empty true true Replaces null values with empty strings
use-version-txt true false Overwrites input semver-b with the version from version.txt file - if the file exists and the version is valid


Name Example Default Description
clean_semver 5.6.7-rc.8 null The cleaned and normalized version without any prefix (highest semver wins)
clean_semver_a 1.2.3-rc.4 null The cleaned and normalized version A without any prefix
clean_semver_b 5.6.7-rc.8 null The cleaned and normalized version B without any prefix
is_greater_a false false Whether A is greater than B
is_smaller_a true false Whether A is smaller than B
is_greater_b true false Whether B is greater than A
is_smaller_b false false Whether B is smaller than A
change_type major null Diff A and B change [major, minor, patch, rc]
is_major_change true false If diff A and B is a major change
is_minor_change false false If diff A and B is a minor change
is_patch_change false false If diff A and B is a patch change
is_rc_change false false If diff A and B is a rc (release candidate) change
is_valid_semver true false Whether the semver is valid (highest semver wins)
is_valid_semver_a true false Whether semver A is valid
is_valid_semver_b true false Whether semver B is valid
is_stable false false Whether the version is stable (doesn't contain any pre-release tag) (highest semver wins)
is_stable_a false false Whether version A is stable (doesn't contain any pre-release tag)
is_stable_b false false Whether version B is stable (doesn't contain any pre-release tag)
major 5 null The major version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
major_a 1 null The major version of A
major_b 5 null The major version of B
minor 6 null The minor version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
minor_a 2 null The minor version of A
minor_b 6 null The minor version of B
patch 7 null The patch version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
patch_a 3 null The patch version of A
patch_b 7 null The patch version of B
rc 8 null The release candidate version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
rc_a 4 null The release candidate version of A
rc_b 8 null The release candidate version of B
rc_str rc null The prefix of the release candidate version (highest semver wins)
rc_str_a rc null The prefix of the release candidate version of A
rc_str_b rc null The prefix of the release candidate version of B
next_major 6.0.0 null The next major version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
next_major_a 2.0.0 null The next major version of A
next_major_b 6.0.0 null The next major version of B
next_minor 6.0.0 null The next minor version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
next_minor_a 2.0.0 null The next minor version of A
next_minor_b 6.0.0 null The next minor version of B
next_patch 6.0.0 null The next patch version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
next_patch_a 2.0.0 null The next patch version of A
next_patch_b 6.0.0 null The next patch version of B
next_rc 6.0.0 null The next rc version of provided semver (highest semver wins)
next_rc_a 2.0.0 null The next rc version of A
next_rc_b 6.0.0 null The next rc version of B
original-semver-a v1.2.3-rc.4 null Semver A to process
original-semver-b v5.6.7-rc.8 null Semver B to process - will be compared with first semver
fallBack-semver-a 0.0.1 null The fallback version A in case the original version A is not valid
fallBack-semver-b 0.0.1 null The fallback version B in case the original version B is not valid
version_txt 1.2.3 null semver from version file
version_txt_path /project/version.txt null path of version file

[DEV] Setup Environment

  • Build: npm run build to "compile" index.ts to ./lib/index.js
  • Test: npm run test
  • clean environment: ./
  • Hint: please do not remove the node modules as they are required for custom GitHub actions :(