##Twtr Srchr
Contributors: Mark Hayden
Tags: wordpress, twitter, search, plugin
Requires at least: 3.5.1
Tested up to: 3.6
Stable tag: 0.0.02
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Simple plugin for pulling in and displaying twitter queries unique to each post.
This is a simple wordpress plugin created to perform, and cache, a search query that is unique to an individual post within wordpress. You enter a query or user name with each post. From there twitter search is queried and the results are stored for you to display. Uses a simple shortcode to make displaying data easy.
- Add the plugin into your wordpress install. wp-content/plugins/[PUT FOLDER HERE]
- From the wordpress admin dashboard go to plugins and activate the "Twtr Srchr" plugin.
- Navigate to the plugin settings page under the "Settings" menu at the left of your admin panel.
- Follow instructions there to generate and set up a twitter app, as well as the default plugin settings.
- You will need to go into an active post and enter a query before the tests will pass.
- id => the unique id associated with the tweet from wordpress
- twtr_id => the numeric id for a tweet from twitter
- twtr_query => the query that is responsible for returning the tweet
- twtr_name => the authors full name
- twtr_handle => the authors twitter username
- twtr_content => the body of the tweet
- twtr_posted => the date when the tweet was first posted to twitter
- twtr_url => the url used to access the tweet on twitter.com
- logged => when the tweet was saved to the database
Print out the body of all tweets associated with posts query from wordpress.
[twtr_srch limit=5]
[twtr_srch limit=5 date="Y-M-D"]
Print out the body of all tweets associated with posts query from php.
<?php echo do_shortcode('[twtr_srch limit=5]{{twtr_content}}[/twtr_srch]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[twtr_srch date="Y-M-D"]{{twtr_content}}[/twtr_srch]'); ?>
###Changelog 0.0.02
Removed cron job dependency. Updated testing. Added setting to manage twitter query frequency.
Initial build and launch.