A personal customisable assistant integrated with Google assistant for controlling your machines remotely via voice commands, making it compatible with Google Home devices.
Current functionalities include -
- Invoking any keystroke including hotkeys.
- Launching/closing any app.
- Complete media support.
- Vocal typing.
- Remote sleep.
It can do anything you can do using your keystrokes.
It is recommended to use a virtual environment before installing dependecies to avoid any conflicts.
Install dependencies -
sudo apt install jq supervisor
if you are using python3
install xlib
pip install python3-xlib
- Sign up as a alpha tester - using this link.
While in theclient/
directory execute. - Install client side dependencies using -
pip install requirements.txt
- Run the app using -
This will return a authentication token -auth_tok
. - Open Google Assistant and invoke Mr. Mark as
talk to Mr. Mark
. - Say -
Authenticate me
to Mr. Mark and share this authentication token.
├── app.py
- Heroku app for db handling and scaling GET POST request.
├── client
- client side code.
│ ├── app.py
- The local server where
│ ├── configure.py
- Create machine authentication, saves it in ~/.mrmark_config.json
and send a copy to the cloud server.
│ ├── Dockerfile
- Configuration for creating docker images. (EXPERIMENTAL)
│ ├── key_mapping.json
- Key mapping as per user's preference. User can edit it according to their local configuration.
│ ├── port_forwarding.sh
- Script for exposing the localhost to the internet.
│ ├── requirements.txt
- Client side dependencies.
│ └── supervisord.conf
- The configuration for servers with supervisord.
├── Procfile
- Heroku configuration.
├── readme.md
- Usage instructions.
└── requirements.txt
- Server side dependencies.