This repo contains code to stand up a service that manages a catalog of shows. The service is backed by Google's App
Engine and Cloud SQL. Details of the API are available at the /docs
Before deploying infrastructure, make sure to configure credentials to allow the Google Terraform provider to make requests to GCP by following these instructions.
Infrastructure for this application is deployed as follows.
Run this command to create a Terraform plan.
make ENV=demo plan
Run this command to apply the plan.
make ENV=demo apply
make ENV=demo plan apply
is also used to redeploy the application as plan/apply
will zip up the app and store it in
the bucket that backs the app engine app.
When you're done, run this command to delete the infrastructure.
make ENV=demo destroy-prompt
Use this command to check the Terraform code for security violations.
make tfsec
Run the following command to lint and unittest Python and Terraform code:
make code-quality
API tests can be run against a deployed service as follows:
make TEST_URL=${APP_INSTANCE_URL} api-tests
The service can be run locally. First use docker-compose to run Postgres in a container:
make postgres-up
The shows API service can then be run as follows:
make run-app
The API tests can then be run like this:
make api-tests
When you're done, run this command to stop the Postgres container:
make postgres-down-rm-volume