In this project an AI-player for the famous dice game Yahtzee / Kniffel is created, which achieves a higher average score in 100 test games then the average human player.
I therefor used a Q-Learning approach with deep neural networks (scikit-learn, MLP Regressor) and a Softmax exploration strategy.
A documentation and scientific discussion can be found in article_and_documentation/article.pdf
This is still work in progress.
Currently super human performance with a score of 241.6 is achieved after 8000 training games.
The master
branch of this project stores the latest 'productive' version.
The interested reader is also invited to have a look into the branch workInProgrss
where the most recent status is stored.
The workInProgress-version is not necessarily working out of the box.
to get the following output:
Lets first have a look at the final performance of the trained AI:
AI-Players created by Markus Dutschke:
Description avg. Score
PlayerAI_full_v0: 200.1 +/- 36.5
PlayerAI_full_v1: 235.4 +/- 39.4
PlayerAI_full_v2: 241.6 +/- 40.7
A view benchmarks for comparison (check papers in README):
Description avg. Score
PlayerAlg_oneShot_greedy: 115.1 +/- 27.5
PlayerAlg_full_greedy: 170.7 +/- 28.8
Random, no Bonus (Verhoff): 46.0
Greedy (Glenn06): 218.1
Greedy (Felldin): 221.7
Optimal Strategy (Holderied): 245.9
Human trials, group 1, 26 games: 239.5
Human trials, group 2, 8 games: 202.8
Okay, lets check out a few games of the best AI Player!
==================================== Score Board ====================================
Category : Score | round - dice (r = reroll)
Aces : 2 | 5 - [1,1,4r,6,6] -> [1,1,5r,6,6] -> [1,1,5,6,6]
Twos : 2 | 6 - [1r,1r,3,4,5] -> [1r,3r,4r,5,5] -> [1,1,2,5,5]
Threes : 6 | 4 - [2,3,4,6r,6] -> [2,3,4r,4,6r] -> [1,2,3,3,4]
Fours : 8 | 8 - [1r,1r,3r,3r,4] -> [2r,3r,4,4,6r] -> [2,3,4,4,5]
Fives : 10 | 3 - [1r,1r,5,5,6r] -> [1r,2r,3r,5,5] -> [1,5,5,6,6]
Sixes : 12 | 1 - [1r,5r,5r,6,6] -> [1r,2r,3r,6,6] -> [2,3,5,6,6]
Upper Sum : 40 |
Bonus : -- |
Three Of A Kind : 23 | 2 - [1r,2r,3r,6,6] -> [1r,1r,4r,6,6] -> [1,4,6,6,6]
Four Of A Kind : 26 | 10 - [1r,1r,4r,5,5] -> [2r,3r,5,5,5] -> [5,5,5,5,6]
Full House : 25 | 9 - [2,2,2,4r,5r] -> [2,2,2,5,5] -> [2,2,2,5,5]
Small Straight : 30 | 0 - [1r,1,2,3,4] -> [1r,1,2,3,4] -> [1,2,3,3,4]
Large Straight : 0 | 12 - [1r,1r,5r,5,6r] -> [1,2,4,5r,5] -> [1,2,2,4,5]
Yahtzee : 50 | 7 - [1r,1r,2r,2r,5] -> [1r,3r,4r,5,5] -> [5,5,5,5,5]
Chance : 27 | 11 - [1r,2r,5,5,6] -> [5,5,5,6,6] -> [5,5,5,6,6]
Score: 221
==================================== Score Board ====================================
Category : Score | round - dice (r = reroll)
Aces : 4 | 12 - [1,1,2r,3r,4r] -> [1,1,1,1,2r] -> [1,1,1,1,6]
Twos : 8 | 5 - [2,2,4r,5r,6r] -> [1r,2,2,3r,6r] -> [2,2,2,2,3]
Threes : 12 | 3 - [1r,3,3,3,6r] -> [3,3,3,3,4r] -> [3,3,3,3,4]
Fours : 8 | 9 - [1r,2r,3r,5r,6r] -> [1r,1r,4,5r,6r] -> [2,2,4,4,6]
Fives : 20 | 1 - [1r,2r,3r,5,5] -> [4r,5,5,5,5] -> [5,5,5,5,6]
Sixes : 12 | 6 - [3r,5r,5r,6,6] -> [2r,4,4,6,6] -> [2,4,4,6,6]
Upper Sum : 64 |
Bonus : 35 |
Three Of A Kind : 28 | 2 - [2r,5r,6,6,6] -> [1r,3r,6,6,6] -> [5,5,6,6,6]
Four Of A Kind : 22 | 10 - [3r,4,4,4,6r] -> [4,4,4,4,6] -> [4,4,4,4,6]
Full House : 25 | 4 - [1,1,2r,3r,4r] -> [1,1,1,2r,5r] -> [1,1,1,6,6]
Small Straight : 30 | 8 - [2r,2r,4,5,6] -> [3,4,5r,5,6r] -> [3,3,4,5,6]
Large Straight : 40 | 0 - [2,3r,3,4,5] -> [2,3r,3,4,5] -> [2,3,4,5,6]
Yahtzee : 50 | 7 - [2r,3r,3r,5,5] -> [3r,3r,5,5,6r] -> [5,5,5,5,5]
Chance : 26 | 11 - [1r,4,4,6,6] -> [4,4,6,6,6] -> [4,4,6,6,6]
Score: 320
==================================== Score Board ====================================
Category : Score | round - dice (r = reroll)
Aces : 4 | 6 - [1,1,2r,3r,4r] -> [1,1,1,1,3r] -> [1,1,1,1,3]
Twos : 2 | 8 - [1r,2,3r,4,5r] -> [1r,1r,2,4r,5r] -> [2,3,3,4,6]
Threes : 9 | 1 - [1r,4r,5,5,6r] -> [1r,3,3,5r,5r] -> [1,3,3,3,5]
Fours : 8 | 10 - [1r,1r,3r,5,6] -> [1r,2r,4,5r,6r] -> [2,3,4,4,5]
Fives : 15 | 7 - [1r,2r,4r,5,5] -> [2r,3r,5,5,5] -> [1,2,5,5,5]
Sixes : 18 | 0 - [1r,4r,5r,6,6] -> [2r,4r,5r,6,6] -> [1,2,6,6,6]
Upper Sum : 56 |
Bonus : -- |
Three Of A Kind : 22 | 3 - [3r,3r,5r,6,6] -> [1r,5r,6,6,6] -> [1,3,6,6,6]
Four Of A Kind : 22 | 12 - [3r,3r,4,4,5r] -> [2r,3r,4,4,6r] -> [4,4,4,4,6]
Full House : 25 | 2 - [1r,2r,4,4,6r] -> [2,2,4,4,4] -> [2,2,4,4,4]
Small Straight : 30 | 5 - [1r,3,4,5,6r] -> [3r,3,4,5,6] -> [3,4,4,5,6]
Large Straight : 40 | 4 - [1r,4,5r,5,6r] -> [1r,1r,4r,4,5] -> [2,3,4,5,6]
Yahtzee : 0 | 9 - [1r,2r,2r,4,6r] -> [1r,1r,1r,2r,4] -> [2,3,4,4,6]
Chance : 17 | 11 - [2r,2r,4,4,6] -> [2r,4,4,5r,6] -> [1,2,4,4,6]
Score: 212
Now, let's see how such a cool AI player is trained ...
Note: training + benchmarks takes a few hours
# Trainings Score
1 62.3 +/- 21.5
2 67.7 +/- 23.4
3 72.3 +/- 25.2
4 84.3 +/- 25.5
5 103.9 +/- 24.2
6 115.9 +/- 33.4
7 128.7 +/- 35.4
8 157.1 +/- 35.9
9 185.0 +/- 34.4
10 192.8 +/- 34.9
20 203.9 +/- 38.2
30 202.6 +/- 35.9
40 201.7 +/- 42.3
50 202.5 +/- 38.7
60 179.2 +/- 29.7
70 187.4 +/- 27.4
80 187.5 +/- 26.9
90 191.2 +/- 28.4
100 194.0 +/- 29.3
200 214.5 +/- 31.8
300 214.6 +/- 37.5
400 218.2 +/- 36.6
500 217.8 +/- 32.5
600 218.9 +/- 34.9
700 221.2 +/- 37.1
800 219.5 +/- 37.1
900 215.7 +/- 32.4
1000 215.2 +/- 34.2
1100 226.4 +/- 39.2
1200 224.2 +/- 36.5
1300 224.4 +/- 36.3
1400 225.1 +/- 33.6
1500 220.5 +/- 35.8
1600 222.4 +/- 34.4
1700 225.9 +/- 37.9
1800 222.4 +/- 35.3
1900 218.8 +/- 32.7
2000 219.8 +/- 34.4
2100 222.2 +/- 33.0
2200 225.4 +/- 37.4
2300 226.1 +/- 36.3
2400 223.1 +/- 39.8
2500 224.8 +/- 35.8
2600 223.2 +/- 38.0
2700 226.9 +/- 37.7
2800 219.7 +/- 37.0
2900 226.1 +/- 38.2
3000 226.8 +/- 36.5
3100 231.1 +/- 36.2
3200 232.6 +/- 40.4
3300 226.1 +/- 42.2
3400 220.5 +/- 37.7
3500 223.1 +/- 37.5
3600 222.2 +/- 41.3
3700 221.9 +/- 35.8
3800 222.4 +/- 34.4
3900 224.3 +/- 39.8
4000 230.0 +/- 41.8
4100 222.9 +/- 37.6
4200 228.6 +/- 38.0
4300 225.6 +/- 38.6
4400 217.9 +/- 32.5
4500 227.6 +/- 41.9
4600 224.2 +/- 43.2
4700 232.1 +/- 39.0
4800 229.0 +/- 38.1
4900 229.0 +/- 36.6
5000 229.5 +/- 37.7
5100 227.1 +/- 38.0
5200 228.9 +/- 34.0
5300 226.7 +/- 36.1
5400 222.2 +/- 35.1
5500 225.9 +/- 41.4
5600 229.2 +/- 43.8
5700 229.4 +/- 42.7
5800 231.8 +/- 43.6
5900 230.9 +/- 42.9
6000 228.2 +/- 42.0
6100 229.2 +/- 42.2
6200 226.5 +/- 40.4
6300 223.0 +/- 40.4
6400 229.8 +/- 38.0
6500 234.5 +/- 41.0
6600 228.0 +/- 40.6
6700 234.2 +/- 46.1
6800 231.6 +/- 40.2
6900 233.1 +/- 40.1
7000 224.7 +/- 36.8
7100 228.4 +/- 39.1
7200 230.6 +/- 42.3
7300 230.3 +/- 38.1
7400 231.2 +/- 42.9
7500 228.4 +/- 42.3
7600 231.7 +/- 43.3
7700 235.1 +/- 41.5
7800 229.3 +/- 42.9
7900 232.1 +/- 42.5
8000 241.6 +/- 40.7
- (German)
- Holderied: (same rules)
- Glenn06: (other rules)
- Jedenberg: (other rules)
- Verhoff:
- Felldin: (same rules)
- Mnih13:
- Tijsma16: