A CLI client to search and manage passwords inside TeamPasswordManager.
- Search and show passwords.
- Support to add new passwords easily.
- Supports update and delete of passwords.
- Supports HMAC for improved API security.
- Single binary with no other dependencies.
- TeamPasswordManager API v4
Install pre-compiled binary from releases.
Install via Homebrew:
brew install martensson/tpm/tpm
Install from source:
go get github.com/martensson/tpm
It's that easy!
Login using HMAC-key:
tpm login
Search passwords:
tpm search aws.amazon.com
Show password by ID:
tpm show 100
Show password by ID (json output):
tpm show 100 -o json
Create password:
tpm create aws.amazon.com --username joe --password abc123 --project 10 --email joe@test.com --tags amazon,aws,shopping
Update password:
tpm update 100 --password abc123 --access http://aws.amazon.com
Delete password:
tpm delete 100