Augmented Reality project with Hololens 1 and Unity.
Containes 2 examples that make use of the following features of the Hololens:
Spatial mapping
Speech recognition
Vuforia marker tracking
Hand tracking
The examples are:
EvalGame: A line with shape of a spiral is located in the room. With the hand or with a "Wand", it is possible to draw a line. The average distance between both lines will be displayed. Voice commands are "next target" and "move target" to change and move the target line and "start line" and "stop line" to start and stop drawing.
HuntGame: The room is mapped in the background, and invisible
objects (coins) are located in random vertices of the room. With the hand or with a "Wand" one has to search for the coins, the only clue is that particles that fly from the hand/wand are attracted by the invisible coin. To make it easier, it is possible to say "help me" and particles will fly directly to the hidden coin temporairly.
They can be chosen when the app starts by saying "draw lines" or "start game". The "Wand" is an image marker from the Vuforia library that we put in a pencil.
Also serves as example of the following Unity features:
ParticleSystem and attractors
This is a report with more explanations, especially about the EvalGame example.
Screenshots of EvalGame:
Screenshots of HuntGame: