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This fork is to: 1. Attempt an ESP-IDF version 2. Make GxEPD SPI.begin pins configurable


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A simple E-Paper display library with common base class and separate IO class for Arduino.

  • For SPI e-paper displays from Dalian Good Display

  • and SPI e-paper boards from Waveshare

  • GxEPD2 is better suited for new users or new projects!

About this fork

This fork intention is to accomplish two things

  1. Make an ESP-IDF version of this library - branch: master - (Don't use *)
  2. Add a way to configure SPI pins in platformio.ini in case you want or are forced to use another GPIOs for SPI - Arduino Framework - branch: ini_spi
  • Don't use master branch: After fighting 2 days to make it work I decided to make a new class for IDF without arduino dependencies. The beginning of this can be followed on CALE-IDF if that works then the component will have it's own repository in CalEPD. Just follow that repositories if you are interested in the development of the epaper component.

Sometimes like in case of using Waveshare's E-Paper ESP32 Driver board you need to use another SPI pins instead of the default ESP32 SPI. To do this simply add this 3 defines using build_flags or #define if you use Arduino before adding the gxEPD class:

build_flags =

Doing that in the build_flags SPI communication will use 13 as CLOCK, 14 as MOSI and 15 for Chip Select just in Waveshare EPD Driver board documentation. Please note that in EPD documentation MOSI is usually referred as DIN (page 2)

important note :

  • these displays are for 3.3V supply and 3.3V data lines
  • never connect data lines directly to 5V Arduino data pins, use e.g. 4k7/10k resistor divider
  • series resistor only is not enough for reliable operation (back-feed effect through protection diodes)
  • 4k7/10k resistor divider may not work with flat cable extensions or Waveshare 4.2 board, use level converter then
  • do not forget to connect GND
  • the actual Waveshare display boards now have level converters and series regulator, safe for 5V

Paged Drawing, Picture Loop for AVR

  • This library uses paged drawing to cope with RAM restriction and missing single pixel update support
  • Paged drawing is implemented using callbacks to callback functions in the user application code,
  • the picture loop is internal to the display classes and calls the callback function as many times as needed,
  • this is a different implementation compared to the picture loop in U8G2 (Oliver Kraus)
  • see also

The E-Paper display base class is a subclass of Adafruit_GFX, to have graphics and text rendering.

  • It needs up to 15kB available RAM to buffer the black/white image for the SPI displays,
  • double for 3-color, for e-papers up to 4.2" (300 * 400 / 8, 2 * 300 * 400 / 8).
  • ESP8266, ESP32 , STM32 systems, Arduino Due e.g. have enough free RAM for full graphics buffer.
  • It needs more RAM for e-paper displays above the 4.2".
  • Paged Drawing is available to cope with RAM restriction on AVR processors or for big displays.

Supporting Arduino Forum Topics:

Supported SPI e-paper panels from Good Display:

  • GDEP015OC1 1.54" b/w
  • GDEW0154Z04 1.54" b/w/r 200x200
  • GDEW0154Z17 1.54" b/w/r 152x152
  • GDE0213B1 2.13" b/w
  • GDEH0213B72 2.13" b/w, replacement for GDE0213B1
  • GDEH0213B73 2.13" b/w, new replacement for GDE0213B1, GDEH0213B72
  • GDEW0213I5F 2.13" b/w flexible
  • GDEW0213Z16 2.13" b/w/r
  • GDEH029A1 2.9" b/w
  • GDEW029T5 2.9" b/w
  • GDEW029Z10 2.9" b/w/r
  • GDEW026T0 2.6" b/w
  • GDEW027C44 2.7" b/w/r
  • GDEW027W3 2.7" b/w
  • GDEW0371W7 3.7" b/w
  • GDEW042T2 4.2" b/w
  • GDEW042Z15 4.2" b/w/r
  • GDEW0583T7 5.83" b/w
  • GDEW075T8 7.5" b/w
  • GDEW075T7 7.5" b/w 800x480
  • GDEW075Z09 7.5" b/w/r
  • GDEW075Z08 7.5" b/w/r 800x480

Supported SPI e-paper panels & boards from Waveshare: compare with Good Display, same panel

I can and will only support e-paper panels I have!

  • promotion panels from suppliers are welcome, to add support to GxEPD
  • donation panels from users are welcome, to add support to GxEPD

for pin mapping suggestions see

Version 3.0.9

  • fixed BMP handling, e.g. for BMPs created by ImageMagick
  • see also Arduino Forum Topic
  • added support for GDEW075T7 7.5" b/w 800x480
  • GDEW075T7 has differential update (1.6s) using a charge balancing waveform
  • added "fast partial update" (differential update) for GDEW0371W7 3.7" b/w 240x416
  • improved differential update waveform for GDEW026T0 2.6" b/w 152x256
  • fixed init code & improved differential update for GDEW042T2 4.2" b/w 300x400
  • note that all differential refresh waveforms are a compromise (ghosting, big font use)
  • parameters for differential waveform for these display can easily be changed for experimenting
  • GDEW042T2 would have greyed background without sustain phase
  • GDEW042T2 needs multiple full refreshes after extended use of partial updates

Version 3.0.8

  • added support for GDEH0213B73 2.13" b/w, replacement for GDE0213B1, GDEH0213B72
  • added support for GDEW026T0 2.6" b/w 152x256
  • added support for GDEW0371W7 3.7" b/w 240x416
  • added support for GDEW075Z08 7.5" b/w/r 800x480
  • changed 4.2" b/w waveform table, for better result with actual panels

Version 3.0.7

  • fix for incomplete download in GxEPD_WiFi_Example
  • added missing powerDown() in base class GxEPD and class GxGDEW0154Z04
  • added missing getUTF8Width() for U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX in GxFont_GFX

Version 3.0.6

  • added GxGDEH0213B72, to support GDEH0213B72 2.13" b/w, replacement for GDE0213B1

Version 3.0.5

  • added support for GDEW029T5
  • fixed wavetable for GDEW0213I5F

Version 3.0.4

  • GxGDEW027W3 with fast partial update support, based on new demo code wavetable
  • mapping suggestion added for Arduino MEGA
  • NOTE: use voltage divider resistors for 5V Arduinos, series resistor is not reliable enough
  • updated

Version 3.0.3

  • fix GxIO_SPI: avoid nesting SPI transactions causing deadlock

Version 3.0.2

  • added GxGDEW0213I5F for 2.13" b/w 104x212 flexible display, initial tests successful
  • updated GxIO_SPI to use SPI transactions, for SPI speed with multiple devices, NUCLEO-64
  • updated GxEPD_WiFi_Example to use BearSSL on ESP8266, for large bitmap downloads

Version 3.0.1

  • update comments in GxFont_GFX_Example for UTF-8 use, e.g. Umlauts ÄÖÜäéöü
  • NOTE: you need to SAVE the modified example to a saveable location for UTF-8 characters to work

Version 3.0.0

  • new src directory structure avoids the need for .cpp includes
  • only header files includes are needed
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.x automatically includes needed code from .cpp files
  • DO NOT include .cpp files with this version, linker would complain
  • src directory structure makes GxEPD a more usual Arduino Library

Version 2.3.17

  • removed GxGDEW0213I5F for 2.13" b/w 104x212 flexible display
  • did not work, as started from 3-c source, controller is IL0373

Version 2.3.16

  • added GxGDEW0213I5F for 2.13" b/w 104x212 flexible display
  • NOT tested on GxGDEW0213I5F, I don't have this display
  • tested on 2.9" 3-color display, has same controller IL0373

Version 2.3.15

  • added GxEPD_SD_Example and GxEPD_WiFi_Example
  • GxEPD_SD_Example replaces GxEPD_SD_BitmapExample with more BMP depths
  • GxEPD_SD_Example does not work on small RAM AVR
  • GxEPD_WiFi_Example only for ESP32 and ESP8286
  • ESP8266 does not work reliable with big BMP download (known ESP8266 package issue)

Version 2.3.14

  • added GxEPD_SD_BitmapExample

Version 2.3.13

  • added "no BUSY" support to GxGDEP015OC1 for Heltec E-Paper 1.54" b/w without BUSY
  • set BUSY parameter to -1 for Heltec E-Paper 1.54" b/w without BUSY

Version 2.3.12

  • added GxGDEW0583T7 for 5.83" b/w 600x448 display
  • my GDEW0583T7 panel has a refresh time of ~15 seconds
  • please report if you got this display with faster refresh time, or got faster driver or demo

Version 2.3.11

  • fix GxGDEW042T2 to avoid double full refresh after reset (deep sleep wakeup)

Version 2.3.10

  • added GxGDEW0154Z17 for 1.54" 3-color 152x152 display
  • NOT tested on GDEW0154Z17, I don't have this display
  • tested on 2.9" 3-color display, same controller IL0373
  • use GxEPD_RED to get yellow on yellow 3-color e-paper

Version 2.3.9

  • new version for 7.5" 3-color display GxGDEW075Z09
  • GxGDEW075Z09 runs with full buffer on ESP32, Arduino Due, STM32F4
  • runs with reduced buffer on ESP8266, STM32F1, AVR : will show buffer content as stripes
  • supports paged display on AVR, ESP8266, STM32F1

Version 2.3.8

  • Serial Diagnostic Output selectable by parameter of init() call:
  • void init(uint32_t serial_diag_bitrate = 0); // = 0 : disabled

Version 2.3.7

Version 2.3.6

  • fixes and cleanup

Version 2.3.5

  • GxFont_GFX : Font Rendering Graphics Switch and Bridge Class


This fork is to: 1. Attempt an ESP-IDF version 2. Make GxEPD SPI.begin pins configurable







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