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Martin Cohen edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 11 revisions

The most important things to keep in mind:

  • Punity does not have any error handling. Anytime it detects an invalid state, it'll terminate (with ASSERT). It is essential to use debugger. (see Building)
  • Punity can only be built with Visual Studio 2015 and higher (or MinGW). (see Building)
  • Punity doesn't use dynamic memory allocation. (see Memory)
  • Punity is strictly 8-bit, so it uses an indexed palette of 256 RGB colors (with 0 being reserved for transparency). (see Assets)
  • Punity only uses software rendering (with a bit of help from SIMD uncle), SDL2 and OpenGL are only used to blit the final frame to the screen (and for vsync, ehm.)


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