This is a Django-based web application for a personal landmark blog. The blog allows an admin to post landmarks, which can be viewed by users. Users can explore the places, add them to a "Read Later" list, delete places from the list, view detailed information about each place, leave comments, and manage their own Read Later list.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Django-Landmarks-Blog
- Install dependencies:
pip install django
To run the project, use the following command:
python runserver
Starting Page: The starting page of the blog.
- URL: "" (empty string)
- View: views.StartingPageView
- Name: "starting-page"
All Posts: Displays all the landmarks/posts.
- URL: "posts"
- View: views.AllPostView
- Name: "posts"
Post Detail Page: Shows detailed information about a specific landmark/post.
- URL: "posts/slug:slug"
- View: views.SinglePostView
- Name: "post-detail-page"
Read Later: Allows users to add landmarks/posts to their Read Later list.
- URL: "read-later"
- View: views.ReadLaterView
- Name: "read-later"
The application is built using Python and utilizes SQLite for data management and templates for rendering views. The following dependencies are required to run the Django Landmarks Blog:
- Django
- SQLite
This project is based on Maximilian Schwarzmüller's tutorial on Udemy Python Django - The Practical Guide. I have made some modifications to the original project and I built upon that foundation to extend the project's functionality and address specific requirements. However, the course inspired the core concept and initial implementation and the work of the original author.