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BusinessObjects 📊

This packages is an API wrapper of the SAP Business Objects API for the R language. It allows to connect R to SAP Business Objects to automate and build multiple workflows from within R.


You can install the latest release of this package from Github with the following commands in R:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

Current functionalities 🔧

  • Log-on to SAP Business Objects REST API: log_on()
  • Retrieve children elements from a CMS repository folder: get_bo_folder_ressources()
  • Retrieve details from a SAP Business Objects document ID: get_bo_document_details()
  • Retrieve schedules from a SAP Business Objects document ID: get_bo_document_schedules()
  • Retrieve details (frequency, parameters, etc.) of a specific schedule from a SAP Business Objects document ID: get_bo_schedule_details()
  • Upload Microsoft Excel to the SAP Business Objects’ CMS Repository: upload_excel_to_bo()
  • Update a Microsoft Excel located in te SAP Business Objects’ CMS Repository: update_bo_excel_file()
  • Retrieve SAP Business Objects connections: get_bo_connections()
  • Retrieve SAP Business Objects configurations: get_bo_configuration()
  • Retrieve SAP Business Objects universes: get_bo_universes()
  • obtain the details of a SAP Business Objects universe: get_bo_universe_details()
  • Log-off from the SAP Business Objects REST API: log_off()


Code of Conduct

Please note that the ‘BusinessObjects’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


This package will probably never see CRAN as SAP Business Objects is not open source. Nonetheless, all the code here follows the following licensing: MIT © Matthias Brenninkmeijer


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