A web application for Hearthstone Set Reviews. It centralizes information about card reviews, let any user create their own, and let streamers record their chat's ratings for each card. Live on: https://hs-set-review.herokuapp.com/
- Node
- Express
- OAuth2 (passport)
- MongoDB (mongoose)
- Angular
- PrimeNG
- Heroku
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mateuscechetto/hearthstone-set-review-bot.git
Install backend dependencies:
npm install
You may need to create a MongoDB Atlas Database.
Create a .env file and fill it with the content of template.env.
JWT_SECRET and SESSION_SECRET can be filled with any string. Same for USERNAME and PASSWORD, that for now are not being used. TWITCH_CLIENT_ID and TWITCH_SECRET are obtained from twitch developers.
Populate the database using:
node .\seed-cards\seed-db.js
Install frontend dependencies:
cd client
npm install
Run the backend:
cd ..
npm start
The backend will be served at http://localhost:5000
In another terminal run the frontend:
cd client
npm start
The frontend will be served at http://localhost:4200
This is an open-source project. Read this to know how to contribute.