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Davide P. Cervone edited this page Apr 18, 2015 · 2 revisions

This page collects notes specific to the way we work on GitHub.


labels explained

The most frequent labels on open issues:

  • Accepted
    • Primarily marks issues that have been accepted, i.e., bugs we want to fix.
    • used for actual bugs.
    • other labels and in particular milestones should be used to indicate a timeline
  • Feature Request
    • indicates issues that request to add a new feature

Labels used early in the life of an issue:

  • Investigate
    • indicates that one team member has reviewed the issue but has not yet been able to classify it further (usually due to lack of information from OP)
  • Abandoned
    • indicates issues that have been abandoned
    • usually found when a thread goes cold before the issue could be identified / categorized properly
  • Cannot Reproduce
    • means a team member has tried and failed to reproduce the issue.
  • Expected Behavior
    • usually indicates that this the report describes the correct behavior (e.g., MathML rendering, TeX conversion)
    • can mean "won't fix" (e.g., some rare deviations from TeX/LaTeX are due to fundamental differences of Web vs TeX)
  • Duplicate
    • means a team member considers the issue a duplicate of another
    • must include a link to duplicate.

Long term labels:

  • Browser Bug
    • indicates the behavior is caused by browser bugs (or limitations)
    • should ideally link to upstream issues (and report them if necessary)
    • often means no work around is (currently) feasible
  • Meta Issue
    • indicates issues that collect other issues by categories
    • primarily used to avoid pollution of the label names.
  • MML spec limitation
    • indicates that an issue relates to shortcomings of the MathML specification

Labels related to development:

  • Ready for Development
    • indicates that a resolution has been identified but not yet implemented
  • Ready for Release
    • Means that the resolution can be merged into develop (or another branch).
  • Ready for Review
    • indicates code implementing a resolution has been proposed, and needs to be reviewed and approved for merging into the develop branch (or another branch).
  • In Development
    • indicates that a team member is actively working on resolving the issue
  • Fixed
    • for issues that have been fixed and are included in the master branch.
  • Merged
    • indicates a development branch has been merged into the develop branch.
  • Needs Documentation
    • indicates an issue requires the documentation to change or be created
    • ideally, an issue on the mathjax/mathjax-docs is cross-linked
  • Test Needed
    • indicates a test needs to be developed for this issue
  • Test Available
    • indicates a test has been added to the testsuite at mathjax/MathJax-test
    • should include a link to the test file in mathjax/MathJax-test
  • Test Not Needed
    • indicates no test is necessary for the issue

Other labels

  • vN.m.p
    • indicates an issue has been resolved in a specific release
    • could be replaced by milestones?
  • Adress later
    • indicates that this item is not going to be resolved anytime soon.
    • could be replaced with milestone assignment
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