A Todo App for a fictional company Golden Real Estate using VueJS and SpringBoot.
- It should have three Entities: person, building and project
- CRUD WebApi for Person, Building and Project
- Project's status can be filtered by building and person
Java 11 Apache Maven 3.6.1 Node 12.18.4
(WINDOWS) For the easiest setup, open a terminal in the Root application folder and run the following command:
run full_build_start
This will build and run tests for both the backend and frontend applications and then will start both servers on port 8080 and 8081 in separate terminals.
After both servers are up, you can access the application through http://localhost:8080/
The backend server is a SpringBoot app that runs a jetty server. The frontend uses Vue Cli and starts a server via vue serve
To run manually, open a terminal in the root application folder and run the following command:
mvn install
This will build the application and run the tests. After it's done, you can start the spring boot app by navigating to the server module and running the mvn spring-boot:run
command. This will start a spring boot application with an embedded jetty server.
cd ./gre-todo-server
mvn spring-boot:run
After the backend is up, you can navigate to the frontend folder and run a npm install
cd ./gre-todo-frontend
npm install
And after the build completes, you can start the server through:
npm run serve
After the server is up, you can acess the application in http://localhost:8080/
The project is made with a multi-module structure for scalability. See below the class diagram:
Project ERD:
I really like Project Lombok (https://projectlombok.org/) to remove boilerplate code, improve readability and avoid needing to unit test data containers. It has actually generated a LOT of heated discussion amongst other developers in my company. Since I don't know the fellow developers that will look into this project, I'm going to progress as I would in a situation where I need to wait for a "decision meeting": I will NOT use Lombok, but will also NOT make Unit Tests on DAO/DTO's or other data containers "until there's a common agreement".
By default, the Postgres driver does not accept users with no passwords. Although the description of the project mentions an user without password, I do not agree with that as it will never happen in a real-world project anyway - so no reason to go on about changing stuff just for the sake of it. Therefore, to use the project, a user 'sylvain' with password 'sylvain' is needed.
Although I sometimes work with maven projects, the majority of my projects use gradle - which has lots of common characteristics, but I had to learn how to deal with Maven sometimes.
Since I never worked with VueJS before, I took the opportunity to learn a bit more about the framework. Although I have a bit of experience with React and Vue is a bit simillar, it is different enough to have its own challenges when learning it!
Dealing with multiple projects in Maven vs. Gradle:
When running the app, eventhough I was using java.version == 11, Maven was still complaining that I was using 1.5 Found out on this article how to solve this issue:
Getting all of hibernate properties right in the yaml needed a few Google searches, some sources where I found important info:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47823564/postgresql-failure-in-spring-boot https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50213381/how-do-i-configure-hikaricp-for-postgresql
Specification overview for general filter implementation:
Using specification to compare foreign key filters:
Getting all Asgard realms names accents correctly:
Usually we take care of paging and sorting our own way, so I never really looked into Spring's Pageable/Page objects (which includes sorting!) so I took the opportunity to learn more about it
https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/commons/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/domain/Pageable.html https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/data-commons/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/domain/Page.html https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-pagination-sorting
Base to-do project for Vuejs project: https://vuejs.org/v2/examples/todomvc.html
Axios documentation https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/using-axios-to-consume-apis.html
Using Vuetify Datatables https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/data-tables/ https://codepen.io/LucasMigotto/pen/JBrdPe (reference example)
Using bootstrap-vue pagination https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/pagination#component-reference https://www.creative-tim.com/learning-lab/bootstrap-vue/pagination/argon-dashboard (examples)
And some other smaller general searches in Google