15x7 LED display flashing based on accelerometer inputs.
Directly and clearly document the IS31FL3731 LED DRIVER and its cross-plexing feature for nRF52832
Recently I discovered this LED SAND project: https://www.bhoite.com/2018/01/led-sand-animation/ I wanted to try for myself and bought the Charlieplex Featherwing and LIS3DH Accelerometer.
Charlieplex: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-15x7-7x15-charlieplex-led-matrix-charliewing-featherwing/overview Accelerometer: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-lis3dh-triple-axis-accelerometer-breakout/overview
The accelerometer is simple to setup, look at the code. This document will focus on the IS31FL3731 driver chip (IS31).
Datasheet: http://www.issi.com/WW/pdf/31FL3731.pdf
The register's on the IS31 are configured through a menu.
The first step is to select a response register. There are 9 response registers: 8 frame registers and 1 function registers. The 8 frames can be used to configure different LED arrangement. The function register is used to configure different modes/options.
Example: To select frame 1: Initiate TWI tx amd write to address 0xFD (Command Register) the data: 0x00.
2.1 If you have selected Frame 1-8: We have 3 options. Configure LED Control Register, Blink Control Register, PWM Register
LED Control Registers: 18 registers running from 0x00 - 0x11
Blink Control Registers: 18 registers running from 0x12 - 0x23
PWM Registers: 256 registers running from 0x24 - 0xB3
In this mode, we have 12 additional registers we can further configure.
Configuration Register: Address: 0x00
Picture Display Register: Address: 0x01
Auto Play Control Register: Address: 0x02
Auto Play Control Register 2: Address: 0x03
Display Option Register: Address: 0x05
Audio Synchronization Register: Address: 0x06
Frame State Register (READ ONLY): Address: 0x07
Breath Control Register: Address: 0x08
Breath Control Register 2: Address: 0x09
Shutdown Register: Address: 0x0A
AGC Control Register: Address: 0x0B
Audio ADC Rate Register: Address: 0x0C
Read datasheet for more info on how to configure each register.
The required lines to drive all 144 LEDs are reduced to 18 by using the cross-plexing feature optimizing space on the PCB. It is why the LED Control/Blink Control Registers have 18 registers each. Additionally each of the 144 LEDs can be dimmed individually with 8-bit allowing 256 steps of linear dimming.
Note: The IS31 can drive 144 LEDs. The Charlieplex comes with 105 LEDs. The remaining 39 LED's outputs must be off by LED control register (frame registers) else if on it will affect other LEDs.
In the Charlieplex schematic we find which outputs with no LED: https://learn.adafruit.com/assets/32561
It is:
Matrix A: C1-1, C2-1, C3-1, C4-1, C5-1, C6-1, C7-1, C8-1, C9-1, C9-2, C9-3, C9-4, C9-5, C9-6, C9-7, C9-8
Matrix B: C1-9, C1-10, C1-11, C1-12, C1-13, C1-14, C1-15, C1-16, C2-16, C3-16, C4-16, C5-16, C6-16, C7-16, C8-16, C9-9, C9-10, C9-11, C9-12, C9-13, C9-14, C9-15, C9-16
All these outputs must remain off in the LED control register.
I will explain the TWI (I2C) commands in this format: "TWI TX: "TWI_INSTANCE", "IS31_SLAVE_ADDRESS", "IS31_REGISTER", "IS31_DATA""
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0xFD (COMMAND REG), 0x0B
Description: Select the COMMAND REGISTER and write: 0x0B (0000 1011). By writing 0x0B the Function Register is available. Now we can access the Configuration Register (0x00), Picture Display Register (0x01), Auto Play Control Register 1 (0x02), Auto Play Control Register 2 (0x03), RESERVED, Display Option Register (0x05), Audio Synchronization Register (0x06), Frame State Register (0x07), Breath Control Register 1 (0x08), Breath Control Register 2 (0x09), Shutdown Register (0x0A), AGC Control Register (0x0B), Audio ADC Rate Register (0x0C)
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0x0A (SHUTDOWN REG), 0x00
Description: Select the SHUTDOWN REGISTER and write: 0x00 (0000 0000).
The IS31 is in shutdown mode.
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0xFD (COMMAND REG), 0x0B
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0x0A (SHUTDOWN REG), 0x01
Description: Select SHUTDOWN REGISTER and write: 0x01 (0000 0001).
The IS31 is in normal operation mode.
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0xFD (COMMAND REG), 0x0B
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0x01 (PICTURE FRAME REG), 0x00
Description: Select the PICTURE DISPLAY REGISTER and write: 0x00 (0000 0000).
TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0xFD (COMMAND REG), 0x00
Description: FRAME 1 Available
Running a double for loop to clear the matrix.
First loop: i=0; i<6: TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0x24+(i*24)
Second loop (inside the first loop): j=0; j<24: TWI TX: &m_twi, 0x74, 0x00
Description: In the first iteration of the first loop, we write to the