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Yocto build guide

Step 1: Clone needed repositories

$ git clone git:// -b morty
$ cd ~/poky
$ git clone git:// -b morty
$ git clone git:// -b morty
$ git clone -b morty
$ git clone git://

Important: Set meta-java layer to the following commit

$ git reset --hard 67e48693501bddb80745b9735b7b3d4d28dce9a1 

Step 2: Build environment

$ source oe-init-build-env

Start adding needed layers

$ cd $HOME/poky/build
$ bitbake-layers add-layer "$HOME/poky/meta-intel"
$ bitbake-layers add-layer "$HOME/poky/meta-openebemdded/meta-oe"
$ bitbake-layers add-layer "$HOME/poky/meta-intel-realsense"
$ bitbake-layers add-layer "$HOME/poky/meta-java"

Step 3: Modify conf files

  • First you need to modify local.conf. Use the one provided in this repository
  • Then add the auto.conf file needed for the librealsense library.

Use the ones provided in this repository

Step 4: Modify opencv recipe

Since we have to use the morty branch of the repository because of a compatibility issue of the realsense library, we cannot access the latest version of the opencv recipe which support openjdk as a Java Run-Time Environment. Referencing that version we can modify our recipe to add what we need.

Apply the following modifications to $HOME/poky/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-support/opencv/

- PACKAGECONFIG ??= "eigen jpeg png tiff v4l libv4l gstreamer samples tbb gphoto2 \
+ PACKAGECONFIG ??= "eigen jpeg png tiff v4l libv4l gstreamer samples tbb java gphoto2 \
    ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "x11", "gtk", "", d)} \
    ${@bb.utils.contains("LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST", "commercial", "libav", "", d)}"
+ PACKAGECONFIG[java] = "-DJAVA_INCLUDE_PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/include -DJAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=${JAVA_HOME}/include/linux -DJAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/include -DJAVA_AWT_LIBRARY=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/amd64/ -DJAVA_JVM_LIBRARY=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/amd64/server/,,ant-native fastjar-native openjdk-8-native,"
- PACKAGECONFIG[oracle-java] = "-DJAVA_INCLUDE_PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/include -DJAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=${JAVA_HOME}/include/linux -DJAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/include -DJAVA_AWT_LIBRARY=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/amd64/ -DJAVA_JVM_LIBRARY=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/amd64/server/,,ant-native oracle-jse-jdk oracle-jse-jdk-native,"
+ PACKAGECONFIG[oracle-java] = "-DJAVA_INCLUDE_PATH=${ORACLE_JAVA_HOME}/include -DJAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=${ORACLE_JAVA_HOME}/include/linux -DJAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH=${ORACLE_JAVA_HOME}/include -DJAVA_AWT_LIBRARY=${ORACLE_JAVA_HOME}/lib/amd64/ -DJAVA_JVM_LIBRARY=${ORACLE_JAVA_HOME}/lib/amd64/server/,,ant-native oracle-jse-jdk oracle-jse-jdk-native,"
- export JAVA_HOME="${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/bin/java"
+ export ORACLE_JAVA_HOME="${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/bin/java"
+ export JAVA_HOME="${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-8-native"
export ANT_DIR="${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/share/ant/"
PACKAGES += "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'oracle-java', '${PN}-java-dbg ${PN}-java', '', d)} \
+   ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'java', '${PN}-java-dbg ${PN}-java', '', d)} \ 
    ${PN}-samples-dbg ${PN}-samples ${PN}-apps python-opencv"

Step 5: Launch the build

Use the command:

$ bitbake core-image-sato

Note: Depending on your host system configuration there may be some build problems. Please refer to the troubleshooting section.

Build installer

I have added a build installer that automates steps 1 to 4. To use it simply copy the build_config folder where you want your build and launch the installer:

$ chmod +x build_install
$ ./build_install

Note: Before launching the set environment script please set your build directory as follows:

$ cd poky/
$ set build
$ source oe-init-build-env
$ bitbake core-image-sato

Resulting folder structure

├── bitbake
├── build
│   ├── bitbake.lock
│   ├── cache
│   ├── conf
│   │   ├── auto.conf
│   │   ├── bblayers.conf
│   │   ├── local.conf
│   │   ├── sanity_info
│   │   └── templateconf.cfg
│   ├── downloads
│   ├── sstate-cache
│   └── tmp
├── documentation
├── meta
├── meta-intel
├── meta-intel-realsense
├── meta-openembedded
├── meta-java
├── meta-poky
├── meta-selftest
├── meta-skeleton
├── meta-yocto
├── meta-yocto-bsp
├── oe-init-build-env
├── oe-init-build-env-memres
├── README.hardware
└── scripts

Resulting build configuration

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION        = "1.32.0"
BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING   = "universal-4.8"
TARGET_SYS        = "x86_64-poky-linux"
MACHINE           = "intel-corei7-64"
DISTRO            = "poky"
DISTRO_VERSION    = "2.2.1"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "m64 corei7"
TARGET_FPU        = ""
meta-yocto-bsp    = "morty:924e576b8930fd2268d85f0b151e5f68a3c2afce"
meta-intel        = "morty:6add41510412ca196efb3e4f949d403a8b6f35d7"
meta-oe           = "morty:fe5c83312de11e80b85680ef237f8acb04b4b26e"
meta-intel-realsense = "morty:2c0dfe9690d2871214fba9c1c32980a5eb89a421"
meta-java         = "master:67e48693501bddb80745b9735b7b3d4d28dce9a1"

Useful commands

Build the image:
$ bitbake core-image-sato

Output files will be available in $HOME/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/intel-corei7-64/ folder.

Build the cross-compiler installer:
$ bitbake core-image-sato -c populate_sdk

Output files will be available in $HOME/poky/build/tmp/deploy/sdk/ folder

Burn the image:
$ sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/intel-corei7-64/core-image-base-intel-
corei7-64.wic of=TARGET_DEVICE status=progress


There's a known issue with some older version of C++ compilers. In the error "unrecognized command line option -fno-lifetime-dse" pops up you need to modify $HOME/poky/meta-java/recipes-core/openjdk/ line 224 as following:

# GCC 6 sets the default C++ standard to C++14 and introduces dead store
# elimination by default. OpenJDK 8 is not ready for either of these
# changes.
- FLAGS_GCC6 = "-fno-lifetime-dse -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks"
+ FLAGS_GCC6 = "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks"

Additional informations

  • Example project installing JAVA: link
  • Stackoverflow question about Java installation on Yocto build error: link
    • Solution to said error: apparently the bug is known and was patched: source

Extra: Stackoverflow question about installing libc6 lib link