A TensorFlow image classifier that determines if a meme is a loss meme or not
Here's everything you need to know about the repository
Check out these explanations from:
- Python 3 - Maybe just Python 2, I haven't tested it
- Windows - Not sure on this one either, I've just only run it on Windows machines
Clone or download the repository
Put an image file in the PUT_IMAGE_HERE folder Note: the file name should not contain any spaces because my code for finding the file is lazy
Run the batch file called isThisLoss.bat in the main folder
Command prompt should open and output how sure it is that your meme is a loss meme
Made following this tutorial on retraining Inception's final layer for new categories
The image sets I used were 2781 memes ripped from /r/lossedits, /r/dankmemes, /r/memes, and /r/funny using the wonderful RipMe
The batch file was created to run a slightly modified version of label_image.py with defined parameters
This is my first project doing any type of machine learning and considering the time spent on it as well as the accuracy with memes I've tested, I'm pretty happy with the results. I might pretty it up in the future or train it some more to fix some of the known weak points, but I'm in no rush since this is just a bit of a meme