Goal: Extendable hot swappable IRC bot.
[ Rollex app ]
[Server supervisor]
| | | |
i1 | i2 |
[Msg worker supervisor]
| |
m1 m2
i = Server worker (one per IRC server)
[ Server worker ]
+--------> [ Msg worker supervisor ]
| | | | |
m1 m2 m3 m4 mn
parameters: server uri, config
config: user info, channels, modules
- user info: nick, user, real name
- channels: list of channels to join
- modules: [{Some.Worker.Module, interested_in}, {...}, ...]
- interested_in: list of atoms of messages that this module is interested in. Ex: [:all], [:ping, :privmsg]
On startup the Message worker supervisor is started, and all Message workers are created and added to it
Server process connect, logs in, start reading from IRC server.
Receive line from server, parse it into a IRC.Command record.
Send all modules interested in this command type an async message with the command and the IRCState (containing config, server socket etc).
parameters: none
Will receive messages of the type that it was interested in together with IRCState {IRC.Command, IRCState} Can do whatever with it...
Example workers:
- "Pong" worker that is only interested in :ping commands and sends "PONG" to the server
- "Channel logger" worker that is interested in :privmsg, :mode, :join, :part, :topic, :kick, :quit commands and appends them for each channel to a specific file (queue and database?)
- "Custom command" worker that is interested in :privmsg commands. Checks if the text of the command is prefix by a command character and then parses the rest to deduce some action. Can be as advanced as needed (starting another supervisor subtree with additional custom-command workers for example)
At the moment there is no application layer. To start Rollex issue the following commands
First start the Elixir REPL
iex -S mix
{:ok, spid} = :supervisor.start_link(Rollex.Server.Supervisor, [])
iw = Supervisor.Behaviour.worker(Rollex.Server, [[spid, "ssl://chat.freenode.net:6697"]], [])
Socket.Manager.start(nil, nil)
{:ok, ipid} = :supervisor.start_child(spid, iw)