Timetrace (https://github.com/dominikbraun/timetrace) is an excellent cli tool for keeping track of time spent on various projects. However, if you are working on a restricted corporate network that does not permit the installation of software, it is difficult to use, especially if said network also restricts outgoing connections so that you cannot ssh to a machine which has timetrace installed.
One option would be to run timetrace in termux (https://github.com/termux/termux-app) on your phone but I decided to build a web front end to timetrace that can be accessed from a web browser on your phone or desktop.
You can use timetrace-gui and timetrace at the same time if you use the native binary. Commands entered in one tool will show up in the other.
- Language
- go with html/templates
- w3.schools.com
- Material Icons
- fonts.google.com/icons
- Stop Watch Icon
- freepngimg.com/
GUI only:
docker run --name timetrace-gui -p 8090:8090 -v $HOME/timetrace/data:/root/.timetrace nusak/timetrace-gui:latest
- GUI available at localhost:8090
GUI and timetrace:
cd compose; docker-compose up -d
- GUI available at localhost:8090
- timetrace commands
docker exec timetrace timetrace <timetrace command and flags>
docker exec timetrace timetrace version
ordocker exec timetrace timetrace status
Download the appropriate binary from releases
- x86
- i386
- windows
- mac
- arm64 (pi4)
Extract it to a directory in your path. Run timetrace-gui and point your browser at localhost:8090.
Run the timetrace binary (or docker container) and point your browser at localhost:8090.
On first run a user creation dialog will be presented. Use the user/password you enter for future logins.
Port forwarding or setting up a reverse proxy to enable access from the intenet is left as an exercise for the reader.
- Build binaries for all architectues
- Restore deleted projects
- Edit project
- Edit record
- Reports
- Edit Configuration
- Users