This project extends the Application Insights API surface to support PHP. Application Insights is a service that allows developers to keep their application available, performing and succeeding. This PHP module will allow you to send telemetry of various kinds (event, trace, exception, etc.) to the Application Insights service where they can be visualized in the Azure Portal.
PHP version >=5.4.2 is supported.
For opening the project in Microsoft Visual Studio you will need PHP Tools for Visual Studio. This is not required however.
We've published a package you can find on Packagist. In order to use it, first, you'll need to get Composer.
Once you've setup your project to use Composer, just add a reference to our package with whichever version you'd like to use to your composer.json file.
require: "microsoft/application-insights": "*"
Or you can use the composer command to automatically add the package to your composer.json file.
composer require microsoft/application-insights
Make sure you add the require statement to pull in the library:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Once installed, you can send telemetry to Application Insights. Here are a few samples.
Note: before you can send data to you will need an instrumentation key. Please see the Getting an Application Insights Instrumentation Key section for more information.
$telemetryClient = new \ApplicationInsights\Telemetry_Client();
$context = $telemetryClient->getContext();
// Necessary
$context->setInstrumentationKey('YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY');
// Optional
$context->getUserContext()->setId('YOUR USER ID');
$context->getApplicationContext()->setVer('YOUR VERSION');
$context->getLocationContext()->setIp('YOUR IP');
// Start tracking
$telemetryClient->trackEvent('name of your event');
For correct Application Insights reporting you need to setup Operation Context, reference to Request
$telemetryClient->getContext()->getOperationContext()->setName('GET Index');
$telemetryClient->trackEvent('name of your event');
$telemetryClient->trackEvent('name of your event', ['MyCustomProperty' => 42, 'MyCustomProperty2' => 'test'], ['duration', 42]);
Sending more than one telemetry item before sending to the service is also supported; the API will batch everything until you call flush()
$telemetryClient->trackEvent('name of your event');
$telemetryClient->trackEvent('name of your second event');
$telemetryClient->trackPageView('myPageView', '');
$telemetryClient->trackPageView('myPageView', '', 256, ['InlineProperty' => 'test_value'], ['duration' => 42.0]);
$telemetryClient->trackMetric('myMetric', 42.0);
Sending a metric telemetry item with point type, count, min, max, standard deviation and measurements
$telemetryClient->trackMetric('myMetric', 42.0, \ApplicationInsights\Channel\Contracts\Data_Point_Type::Aggregation, 5, 0, 1, 0.2, ['InlineProperty' => 'test_value']);
$telemetryClient->trackMessage('myMessage', \ApplicationInsights\Channel\Contracts\Message_Severity_Level::INFORMATION, ['InlineProperty' => 'test_value']);
Sending a simple request telemetry item with request name, url and start time
$telemetryClient->trackRequest('myRequest', '', time());
Sending a request telemetry item with duration, http status code, whether or not the request succeeded, custom properties and measurements
$telemetryClient->trackRequest('myRequest', '', time(), 3754, 200, true, ['InlineProperty' => 'test_value'], ['duration_inner' => 42.0]);
// Do something to throw an exception
catch (\Exception $ex)
$telemetryClient->trackException($ex, ['InlineProperty' => 'test_value'], ['duration_inner' => 42.0]);
class Handle_Exceptions
private $_telemetryClient;
public function __construct()
$this->_telemetryClient = new \ApplicationInsights\Telemetry_Client();
$this->_telemetryClient->getContext()->setInstrumentationKey('YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY');
set_exception_handler(array($this, 'exceptionHandler'));
function exceptionHandler(\Exception $exception)
if ($exception != NULL)
$telemetryClient->trackDependency('Query table', "SQL", 'SELECT * FROM table;', time(), 122, true);
$telemetryClient->trackDependency('method', "HTTP", "", time(), 324, false, 503);
$telemetryClient->trackDependency('Name of operation', "service", 'Arguments', time(), 23, true);
$telemetryClient->trackMetric('interestingMetric', 10);
$telemetryClient->trackMetric('differentOperationMetric', 11);
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.