NodeJS Module for working with PHP serialized data
In the most basic form, simply pass primitives, objects or arrays into the serialize method.
var php = require('js-php-serialize');
console.log(php.serialize({one:"two", 3:"four"}));
// => a:2:{i:3;s:4:"four";s:3:"one";s:3:"two";}
For more complex objects, an optional metadata value can be passed through to provide hints on how to serialize the object. By default this is the __phpSerializedObject__
property, but can be customised by passing through an options object through to the serialize method. (See the __tests__
folder for more examples.)
var php = require('js-php-serialize');
var obj = {
__phpSerializedObject__: {
name: "MyCustomClass",
access: {
three: "private",
five: "protected",
one: "two",
three: 4,
five: "six",
// => O:13:"MyCustomClass":3:{s:3:"one";s:3:"two";s:20:"MyCustomClassthree";i:4;s:7:"*five";s:3:"six";}