Every project I have finished was because I had someone I was specifically building it for. Making things that other people appreciate is what drives me to be a better developer.
- Cooped-Up: A web-based version of the game Coup. I have a friend group that loves board games including Coup. During lockdown we played games online, but there wasn't a good version of Coup that we could fine. So I built one, and this is it.
- UNCC-Six-Mans.js: A Discord Bot I helped build for managing pickup games in Rocket League for the UNCC Rocket League community. It even has its own leaderboard!
- Wells Front Desk: My first full-stack project on my own. A lot of bad code, but I learned a TON while working on this. Not something I recommend using, but something I'm still proud of.
- There are even more projects I've worked on that I don't have listed here that you can check out as well if you're interested.
If you want to get in touch you can catch me on LinkedIn.