This library can be used to ping a mumble server via UDP and retrieve the following information:
- Version of the mumble server
- Number of users currently connected
- Maximum number of users that can connect simultaneously
- Maximum bandwidth per user
npm install --save
const mp = require('mumble-ping')
// Specifying a port number
mp.pingMumble('localhost', 64739).then(response => console.log(response))
// To use the default port (64738)
mp.pingMumble('localhost').then(response => console.log(response))
The response object looks like the following:
{ version: '1.3', users: 3, maxUsers: 50, bandwidth: 72000 }
This method is maintained for compatibility with nikkiii/node-mumble-ping.
const mp = require('mumble-ping');
// Specifying a port number
mp.MumblePing('localhost', 64739, function(err, res) {
// Using the default port (64738)
mp.MumblePing('localhost', function(err, res) {
You can try to ping a mumble server by using the mumble_ping_cli.js
script in this repository.
It accepts the host and (optionally) port as command line arguments.
To ping a mumble server running on localhost and port 64738 (default), the following commands would work:
# Specifying the port although not needed here
node mumble_ping_cli.js localhost 64738
# Using the default port
node mumble_ping_cli.js localhost