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rdvdijk edited this page Sep 26, 2012 · 1 revision


Just add gem 'neography' to your Rails project's Gemfile and run bundle install.

The following tasks will be available to you:

rake neo4j:install                           # Install Neo4j to the neo4j directory under your project
rake neo4j:install[community,1.6.M03]        # Install Neo4j Community edition, version 1.6.M03
rake neo4j:install[advanced,1.5]             # Install Neo4j Advanced edition, version 1.5
rake neo4j:install[enterprise,1.5]           # Install Neo4j Enterprise edition, version 1.5
rake neo4j:start                             # Start Neo4j
rake neo4j:stop                              # Stop Neo4j
rake neo4j:restart                           # Restart Neo4j
rake neo4j:reset_yes_i_am_sure               # Wipe your Neo4j Database

rake neo4j:install requires wget to be installed. It will download and install Neo4j into a neo4j directory in your project regardless of what version you choose.

Windows users will need to run in a command prompt with Administrative Privileges in order to install Neo4j as a Service.


If you are not using Rails, then add:

require 'neography/tasks'

to your Rakefile to have access to these tasks.

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