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home nextjs dapp static site fleek typescript nodejs ens ipfs simpledoers.eth

  • ENS Registar domain simpledoers.eth ( own domain ) pointing to IPFS ( ipfs://CID web3 )


ENS Domain point to IPFS

ENS Domain point to IPFS

Deployed with into ipfs and free subdomain

Deployed with into ipfs and free subdomain

Deploy Dashboard supporting nextjs deployment ;)

Deploy Dashboard supporting nextjs deployment ;)

  • static site - out/

  • SVG - npm run export - nextjs - typescript - fix upload

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  images: {
    loader: 'akamai',
    path: '',
module.exports = nextConfig
  • package.json
  "scripts": {
    "export": "./node_modules/.bin/next build && ./node_modules/.bin/next export",
  • [ERROR][SOLVED] fixed with akamai like before text
info  - No "exportPathMap" found in "/home/debian/projects/weekly55/simpledoers.eth/next.config.js". Generating map from "./pages"
Error: Image Optimization using Next.js' default loader is not compatible with `next export`.
  Possible solutions:
    - Use `next start` to run a server, which includes the Image Optimization API.
    - Use any provider which supports Image Optimization (like Vercel).
    - Configure a third-party loader in `next.config.js`.
    - Use the `loader` prop for `next/image`.
  Read more:
    at /home/debian/projects/weekly55/simpledoers.eth/node_modules/next/dist/export/index.js:157:23
    at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/home/debian/projects/weekly55/simpledoers.eth/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:79:20)

  • NextJS Tailwind, one simple step
import Image from "next/image";
import Link from "next/link";

const SFooter = () => {
  const footerItem: { href: string; content: string, imageSrc?: string }[] = [
    { href: "", 
      content: "Email" },
    { href: "", 
      content: "GitHub",
      imageSrc: "/github_logo.svg" 
      href: "",
      content: "CodersRank",
      imageSrc: "/codersrank_logo.svg" 
      href: "",
      content: "Donate a Crypto coffee",
      imageSrc: "/eth_icon_purple.svg" 
      href: "",
      content: "Donate a coffee",
      imageSrc: "/cup_of_coffee.svg" 
  return (
    <footer className={footerStyle}>
      <h3>Contact Simple Doers Software Engineers</h3>
      <ul className={ulStyle}>
        {, index ) => (
          <li key={index} className={liStyle} >
            <Link href={data.href} target={"_blank"}>
              <button className={buttonStyle}>
              { data.imageSrc && <Image width={40} height={30} src={data.imageSrc}></Image> }
export default SFooter;

const ulStyle = `flex space-x-3`;
const liStyle = `
  bg-orange-500 shadow-lg shadow-orange-500/50
const buttonStyle = `
  text-slate-100 font-sans font-semibold

const footerStyle = `
  py-4 px-6 
  text-sm font-medium

  • Typescript, about React Props
// Declaring type of props - see "Typing Component Props" for more examples
type AppProps = {
  message: string;
}; /* use `interface` if exporting so that consumers can extend */

// Easiest way to declare a Function Component; return type is inferred.
const App = ({ message }: AppProps) => <div>{message}</div>;

type AppProps = {
  message: string;
  count: number;
  disabled: boolean;
  /** array of a type! */
  names: string[];
  /** string literals to specify exact string values, with a union type to join them together */
  status: "waiting" | "success";
  /** any object as long as you dont use its properties (NOT COMMON but useful as placeholder) */
  obj: object;
  obj2: {}; // almost the same as `object`, exactly the same as `Object`
  /** an object with any number of properties (PREFERRED) */
  obj3: {
    id: string;
    title: string;
  /** array of objects! (common) */
  objArr: {
    id: string;
    title: string;
  /** a dict object with any number of properties of the same type */
  dict1: {
    [key: string]: MyTypeHere;
  dict2: Record<string, MyTypeHere>; // equivalent to dict1
  /** any function as long as you don't invoke it (not recommended) */
  onSomething: Function;
  /** function that doesn't take or return anything (VERY COMMON) */
  onClick: () => void;
  /** function with named prop (VERY COMMON) */
  onChange: (id: number) => void;
  /** function type syntax that takes an event (VERY COMMON) */
  onChange: (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
  /** alternative function type syntax that takes an event (VERY COMMON) */
  onClick(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void;
  /** an optional prop (VERY COMMON!) */
  optional?: OptionalType;
npx create-next-app simpledoers.eth
cd simpledoers.eth
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p


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