An AMQP appender for log4js-node
npm install log4js-node-amqp
Configure in code:
var log4js = require('log4js');
var amqpAppender = require('log4js-node-amqp');
// more config options available
connection: {
url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
// this is a space for you to add custom bits to every log message
additionalInfo: {
machine: require("os").hostname(),
applicationName: 'example application'
or configure via configure()
You could also require()
a config .json or .js file here, any Javascript object will work with log4js.
appenders: [
type: 'console'
type: 'log4js-node-amqp',
connection: {
url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
// this is a space for you to add custom bits to every log message
additionalInfo: {
machine: require("os").hostname(),
applicationName: 'example application'
category: 'amqp-example'
Log things:
var logger = log4js.getLogger('amqp-example');
// strings work'a string of log data.');
// so do objects{name: 'a string', type: 'a silly example'});
You can also have a look at the example.
This is a log4js appender which uses the awesome node-amqp package and shares a good bit of config with it.
// see
connection: {
url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672",
clientProperties: {
product: 'log4js'
// see
exchange: {
name: 'logExchange',
type: 'fanout',
durable: true,
autoDelete: false
// see - specifying a queue is optional, if you don't
// specify one, logs will be published to the exchange. If you do specify a queue, it will be
// automatically created and bound to the exchange.
queue: {
name: 'logQ',
durable: true,
autoDelete: false
// see
publish: {
mandatory: true,
deliveryMode: 2, // persistent
routingKey: 'msg'
// interval at which to flush messages to the queue, 0 means "immediate"
sendInterval: 0,
// a log4js layout, this is ignored if the logged item is an object
layout: log4js.layouts.messagePassThroughLayout,
// this is a space for you to add custom bits to every log message
additionalInfo: {
// if you'd like to alter the logEvent before it's sent to the exchange
logEventInterceptor: function(logEvent, additionalInfo) {
// Everything log4js provides, + whatever you added to additionalInfo
// (keys in additionalInfo are added as keys to the log message).
timestamp: Fri Dec 20 2013 20:54:22 GMT-0800 (PST),
data: 'test-message',
level: { level: 20000, levelStr: 'INFO' },
category: 'test'
// if you specified a logEventInterceptor in options,
// then whatever logEventInterceptor returns will be sent, e.g.:
appenders: [
type: 'log4js-node-amqp',
// more config here
logEventInterceptor: function(logEvent, additionalInfo) {
return ( || {}).message; // send a simple string to the exchange
If you want some ideas on how to read things from the log queue, have a look at this simple log reader example.
Copyright (c) 2015 Max Nachlinger