This package is a set of tool for training triplet networks built with tensorflow and/or keras. It supports both tensorflow V1 and V2. It also supports Keras standalone and tf.keras
It has the following components:
- loss functions:
- batch semi hard loss from google's paper FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering
- batch hard loss from paper In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification
- batch pre-train loss a loss functions to be used to prime a newly inititalized model
pip install triplet-tools
pip install git+
The loss functions can be used with tensorflow or tensorflow/keras models. They all used in the same way:
from triplet_tools.losses import triplet_batch_semihard_loss
loss_function = triplet_batch_semihard_loss(margin=0.5, metric='euclidean_norm')
# Model definition goes here
# ...
model.compile('adam', loss_function)
all loss functions are interchangeable and can be used in one model without changes to it. The change of loss function does not require model re-initialization, so you can stop training and continue with another loss funtion. You just need to compile it with new loss:
from triplet_tools.losses import triplet_batch_hard_loss
new_loss_function = triplet_batch_hard_loss(metric='cosine')
model.compile('adam', new_loss_function)
All loss functions implement triplet mining approach where triplets are generated inside network automatically, so you don't have to design a triplet generator outside of your network in data generator Instead, you will need to create a single encoder network outputting embeddings similar to encoder part in autoencoders and the loss funstions will do the rest
The functions use effective hard triplet mining which looks for all possible pairs in a minibatch and only selects the worst performing pairs, which called hard triplets. These hard triplets are then used in loss function for calculating gradients
All loss functions in tensorflow/keras take two arguments:
- y_true - "True" labels or values from training data.
- y_pred - predicted labels or values taken from model outputs
For y_true, all loss functions expect labels as a vector of integers with dimension (batch size, )
(batch_size, 1)
. While y_pred, must be embeddings produced by a model. Embeddings are vectors in latent space,
each of which represents a datapoint. Embeddings is an array (tensor) of floats with dimensions
(batch_size, latent_dimensions)
. Where latent_dimensions
is dimensionality of latent space.
The embeddings should allow both positive and negative values, and therefore the activation on the output layer of
your model must allow them. For example, you can use linear
or sigmoid
latent_dimensions = 10
# inputs and core model definition
output = Dense(latent_dimensions, activation='linear')(x)
model = Model(inputs, output)
All loss functions have parameter metrics
which defines the way how distance is calculated between vectors.
Currently 3 types of metrics are supported:
- Euclidean normalized (default). Standard euclidean distance with prior normalization of all vectors (making their lengths = 1)
- Euclidean (without normalization)
- Cosine - cosine distance calculated as
function triplet_batch_priming_loss
Use this loss function when your model outputs a single solution for all inputs. It makes high gradients when samples from different classes are put together, pushing them apart.
- metric - string one of the supported metrics. Default:
- function that can be plugged into a keras/tensorflow model
from triplet_tools.losses import triplet_batch_priming_loss
loss_function = triplet_batch_priming_loss(metric='euclidean')
model.compile('adam', loss_function)
This loss function is an implementation of Batch Hard loss described in this paper
It neither pulls positive pairs to anchor point nor pushes negative pairs away. Instead, it pushes positive and negative vectors apart leaving anchor point alone.
It is calculated using below formula
Which means it maximizes difference between positive and negative distances mined for each anchor point up to a distance = margin. No loss and gradients are generated if the difference is beyond the margin.
- metric - string one of the supported metrics. Default:
- margin - float sets parameter margin from above formula. Default:
- function that can be plugged into a keras/tensorflow model
from triplet_tools.losses import triplet_batch_hard_loss
loss_function = triplet_batch_priming_loss(margin=.4, metric='cosine')
model.compile('adam', loss_function)
This loss function is an implementation of Batch Semihard loss described in this FaceNet paper from Google.
There is an existing implementation of triplet loss with batch semihard online mining in
Tensorflow addons
but tensorflow's implementation is missing parameter semi_margin
available in this function
This function is an evolution of batch hard loss with slightly changed negative pair selection: instead of picking the
nearest vector not belonging to the same class as an anchor vector (hard negative), this function picks not the hardest
negative, but so called semi-hard negative. Semi hard negative is a nearest negative which is no closer to an anchor
poing than its hard positive pair plus additional semihard_margin
, which can be both positive and negative
You can read more about that in the paper or in this blog
- metric - string one of the supported metrics. Default:
- margin - float sets parameter margin from above formula. Default:
- semi_margin - float moves semi hard cutoff closer (semi_margin < 0) or (semi_margin > 0)
further than anchor's hard positive.
Default: 0.0
from triplet_tools.losses import triplet_batch_semihard_loss
loss_function = triplet_batch_semihard_loss(margin=.4, semi_margin=.05)
model.compile('adam', loss_function)