A Truffle box using SvelteJS, TailwindCSS, and Rollup.
This box contains everything you need to start building a DApp. However, you may want to replace the svelte-web3
package due to unknown maintenance status (See Web3).
A truffle box is a seed project for building a truffle DApp.
Install truffle and an ethereum client. For local development, try Ethereum TestRPC.
npm install -g truffle
Download box.
truffle unbox maxwellfortney/svelte-tailwind-box
Run an Ethereum RPC. For simplicity and development we will be using Ganache.
Compile and migrate the contracts after authenticating your account on the blockchain (i.e. restoring from seed in MetaMask).
truffle compile truffle migrate
You're ready to go!
Truffle and Svelte files are in their usual place according to the docs
Ensure your Ethereum testnet is running, then deploy your contracts:
truffle deploy
Log in to metamask by importing any of the Ganache Wallet's private keys. Then, run the dev task to have the code updated in realtime as you develop:
truffle compile
npm run dev
To produce your production dApp, run the build task:
npm run build
This will publish your completed DApp to the folder ./public/build
Be sure you've compiled your contracts before running the tests, or you'll get file not found errors.
truffle test
To build the application for production, use the build command. A production build will be in the ./dist
npm run build
This project is comes with svelte-web3
, however I'm unsure of the maintainability of the package. If anyone would like to implement a better Web3 implementation please feel free to submit a PR!
Feel free to submit a PR, or an issue, and I will try my best to address it.
Inspiration, images, and most of the readme is from here svelte-box
Basic svelte project svelte-template