Add OO features to react.js including inheritance, overriding and etc.
ReactOO provides a base class window.ReactOO.ReactBase. Every component class should be inherited from it.
window.ButtonClass = window.ReactOO.ReactBase.extend({
getReactDisplayName: function () {
return 'Button';
onReactRender: function (reactInstance) {
var self = this;
var text = reactInstance.props.text;
return React.createElement('button', self.getButtonProperty(reactInstance), text);
getButtonProperty: function (reactInstance) {
return {};
var button = new window.ButtonClass();
button.render({ text: 'Button' }, '#normalButton');
Note we can override getButtonProperty to customize the button in subclass. Subclass example:
window.StyledButtonClass = window.ButtonClass.extend({
getReactDisplayName: function () {
return 'StyledButton';
getButtonProperty: function (reactInstance) {
var self = this;
var property = self._super();
property.className = 'nice-button';
return property;
var styledButton = new window.StyledButtonClass();
styledButton.render({ text: 'Styled Button' }, '#styledButton');
window.StyledButtonWithClickHandlerClass = window.StyledButtonClass.extend({
getReactDisplayName: function () {
return 'StyledButtonWithClickHandler';
getButtonProperty: function (reactInstance) {
var self = this;
var property = self._super();
property.onClick = reactInstance.handleClick;
return property;
onReactHandleClick: function (reactInstance, e) {
var styledButtonWithClickHandler = new window.StyledButtonWithClickHandlerClass();
styledButtonWithClickHandler.render({ text: 'Styled Button With Click Handler' }, '#styledButtonWithClickHandler');
Please find more examples in the /example folder. Thanks.
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