This repository contains code for recreating the experimental results in our paper "Memory-Aware Denial-of-Service Attacks on Shared Cache in Multicore Real-Time Systems", which can be found at
Note that we only provide code for the experiments run with a synthetic workload as the victim task.
$ sudo bash
# echo 200 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
# cat /proc/meminfo
# exit
If not available, HugePages can be added to a system by building the Linux kernel with the following configuration options enabled:
$ cd MemoryAwareDOS
$ git submodule update --init
$ git submodule update --recursive
Before building and installing the IsolBench benchmarks, change the dram_bitmask value in IsolBench/bench/attacker3.cpp to match the address mapping bitmask of the target platform. For example, on the Pi 4, dram_bitmask should be set as follows:
(line 74) static unsigned long dram_bitmask = 0x7900;
Once set, build and install the necessary IsolBench benchmarks with:
$ cd IsolBench/bench
$ make bandwidth latency-mlp attacker3
$ sudo cp bandwidth latency-mlp attacker3 /usr/bin
$ cd ../..
$ ./
$ python3
$ cd figures
$ gnuplot
The figures can then be found at figures/Fig6.pdf and figures/Fig7.pdf.