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@mborik mborik released this 19 Sep 00:00
· 54 commits to master since this release
  • implemented MB-02, without Z80DMA or real floppy disk controller but specifically modified original BIOS and simplified data transfer with new BS-DOS 308s firmware
  • Real Time Clock in MB-02 specification, listening on ports #0n03
    (also compatible with ESXDOS 0.8.6 in DivMMC using proper SYS/RTC.SYS)
  • cold-reset and booting screen with firmware's version displayed
  • new disk image formatting/creation wizard implemented in the File Manager on [F9]
  • file receiver from PC through the UART using the XMODEM transfer protocol in the File Manager on [F11]
  • checking of path & filename validity in ROM Configuration or Disk mount dialogues after manual filepath entry
  • new type of "toast" dialog in File Manager which will show a short message for a few seconds
    (used after disk mount or current working path setting)
  • fixed switching of video modes [Alt+1..5] and also some issues with cold-reset of devices

Additional content in this release

  • - content of SD card aimed to test this release
    • including bsdos308s.rom required for MB-02 with BS-ROM 140 + BS-DOS 308s
    • bootable disk mb02/demodisk.mbd with some programs and demos to test MB-02 implementation
    • SYS/RTC.SYS for Real Time Clock support in ESXDOS 0.8.6
    • few demos & games for Pentagon and tapes for ZX-Spectrum 128 to test also other disk interfaces