Welcome to the C1 Terminal Starter Kit! The repository contains a collection of scripts and language-specific starter algos, to help you start your journey to develop the ultimate algo.
For more details about competitions and the game itself please check out our main site.
We recommend you familiarize yourself with the game and its strategic elements, by playing manually, before you start your algo. Check out the playground.
To test your algo locally, you should use the test_algo_[OS] scripts in the scripts folder. Details on its use is documented in the README.md file in the scripts folder.
For programming documentation of language specific algos, see each language specific README. For documentation of the game-config or the json format the engine uses to communicate the current game state, see json-docs.html
For advanced users you can install java and run the game engine locally. Java 10 or above is required: Java Development Kit 10 or above.
All code provided in the starterkit is meant to be used as a starting point, and can be overwritten completely by more advanced players to improve performance or provide additional utility.
If you are running Windows, you will need Windows PowerShell installed. This comes pre-installed on Windows 10. Some windows users might need to run the following PowerShell commands in adminstrator mode (right-click the PowerShell icon, and click "run as administrator"):
`Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted`
If this doesn't work try this:
`Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted CurrentUser`
If that still doesn't work, try these below:
`Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass`
`Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned`
And don't forget to run the PowerShell as admin.
Simply select the folder of your algo when prompted on the Terminal website. Make sure to select the specific language folder such as "python-algo" do not select the entire starterkit itself.
For detailed troubleshooting help related to both website problems and local development check out the troubleshooting section.
Python algos require Python 3 to run. If you are running Unix (Mac OS or Linux), the command python3
must run on
Bash or Terminal. If you are running Windows, the command py -3
must run on PowerShell.
Java algos require the Java Development Kit. Java algos also require [Gradle] (https://gradle.org/install/) for compilation.
To run your algo locally or on our servers, or to enroll your algo in a competition, please see the documentation for the Terminal command line interface in the scripts directory