Mass git repository search, replace and commit tool written in Rust
flag is used. This project is still WIP so please test on repositories that you have a safe copy.
To install the latest version of the binary to /usr/local/bin/
copy the following into your terminal:
curl -L -o /tmp/$file_name$latest_ver/$file_name
tar -xvf /tmp/$file_name -C /tmp/
sudo cp /tmp/target/release/gitraider /usr/local/bin/
gitraider -V
If successful, you will get the following after the end:
gitraider 0.1.8
To run, first install Rust's tool chain. Then build:
cargo run -- --help
You will get the following result showing you a help dialogue:
Mass git repository search, replace and commit tool
Usage: gitraider [OPTIONS]
-p, --path <PATH> Path to repositories [env: REPO_PATH=] [default: ../repos]
-b, --branch <REGEX> Specify Regex pattern for branches to checkout [env: REPO_BRANCH=] [default: .*]
-f, --file <REGEX> Specify Regex pattern for filename [env: FILE_PATTERN=]
-l, --line <REGEX> Specify Regex pattern for selecting lines [env: LINE_PATTERN=]
-s, --select <REGEX> Specify Regex pattern for selecting parts of a line [env: LINE_SELECT=]
-r, --replace <REGEX> Specify Regex pattern for replacing lines selected by --select [env: LINE_REPLACE=]
-c, --commit <TXT> Specify commit message. No commit if empty [env: COMMIT_MSG=]
--push Specify wether to push commit [env: PUSH_CHANGES=]
--dry Run program in dry mode without altering files and writing to git history [env: DRY_RUN=]
-d, --display Display results at the end of program execution [env: DISPLAY_RES=]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
As an example, say we have a backend team that is tired of causing outages every other commit because the same Apache Kafka cluster used in production is also used in development (thankfully, this is a made up story). A new Kafka cluster for development was setup and now we need to modify hundreds of repositories in development branches to use a new domain pointing to Kafka's development bootstrap server.
We need to modify values.yaml and config.env files in hundreds of git repositories that are cloned to /home/user/git_repos. But all these repositories need to be modified under the git branch development. Specifically, we need to select lines that contain "prod-kafka.backend:9092" and replace "prod-kafka" hostname with "dev-kafka". We can do the following:
cargo run -- \
-p "/home/user/git_repos" \
-b "development\$" \
-f "values.yaml|config.env" \
-l "prod-kafka.backend:9092" \
-s "prod-kafka" \
-r "dev-kafka" \
-c "Change bootstrap server url from prod-kafka to dev-kafka" \
--push -d
After running the command with the -d
flag we get the following report:
Repo mbrav/test-repo
Checking out development
Success checking out branch 'development' 0290ec568bbd541420454e64b5a7dda6a9642554
Staged 'values.yaml'
Success commit 'Change bootstrap server url from prod-kafka to dev-kafka' d93cb354791ccb4a540b767c70ea480d4cbd580a
Fn - Matched file with number of matched lines
Ln - Original line, line number
Rn - Replace line (if present), line number
Repository: mbrav/test-repo
Branch: development
F2: mbrav/test-repo/values.yaml
L1: kafka_bootstrapservers: "prod-kafka.backend:9092"
R1: kafka_bootstrapservers: "test-kafka.backend:9092"
L4: kafka_url: prod-kafka.backend:9092
R4: kafka_url: test-kafka.backend:9092
Elapsed: 39.170ms
For base functionality to be completed, the following must still be finished:
Create new commit with specified message; -
Add more elaborate commit changes checks to avoid making duplicate changes and commits; -
mode more functional. - Push changes to remote after successful commit. Because liggit2, the underlying C library that git2 Rust library offers bindings to, does not support parsing
configs, coming up with a workaround is still WIP. Relevant issues: - Add undo mechanics based on already done changes to avoid deleting and recreating all repositories after each unsuccessful run;
- Print current branch name is results assesment as well as commit info, etc
- Add optional pull from remote before a commit to branch;