Multi-cloud File System Service
Install Ubuntu 14.10 and run the following commands to install necessary tools:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libfuse-dev libpam-dev git
$ sudo gem install rake
Next clone the mcfs repository and change to the checkout out mcfs directory. Run the following command to build the mcfs gem:
$ rake build
The above command would generate the mcfs gem file. Note the generated mcfs gem filename and run the following command:
$ sudo gem install ./<gemfile>
Follow instructions given to register two distinct Dropbox apps in your Dropbox app console. Follow further instructions given in the page to generate two separate authentication tokens to connect to the 2 separate dropbox accounts. Generate the following config file that contains the auth tokens required to access two dropbox accounts.
- token: token1
- token: token2
On Ubuntu machine, now mcfs command to mount the online accounts to an empty directory:
$ mcfs <dir>
Wait for the client to download metadata of Dropbox contents.