After discovering that I needed to add some fields to the User model,
I checked to see if there was something like rails generate migration NAME [field[:type]...].
- learn the command to
mix ecto.gen.html.migrate
- look at db:schema, and/or db tables for database. Build scaffold commands and teardown commands.
- create the mix ecto.gen.html.migrate command.
- create a mix package to analyze and build scaffold and teardown commands.
- create a npm bash package to analyze and build scaffold and teardown commands.
psql -d my_app_dev -c "\d+ users"
mix ecto.gen.migration add_fields_to_users
# for reference suggested looking at: vi priv/repo/migrations/$(ls priv/repo/migrations/ | tail -2)
vi priv/repo/migrations/$(ls priv/repo/migrations/ | tail -1)
Other files to modify:
# web/templates/user/show.html.eex
# web/models/user.ex
# web/page_controller.ex