Piano is combination of a toy piano which you can play with your mouse or keyboard and a Hasbtro Simon/Atari Touch Me game in which you have to repeat a sequence of notes the computer plays.
The keys on the keyboard's home row (S to L) play the white keys, the black keys are on E, R, Y/Z, U, I. (So this should work with QWERTY, QWERTZ, and AZERTY keyboard layouts.) The C mjaor chord keys needed for Simon mode can also be played with the 1, 2, 3, 4 and cursor keys.
Volume can be adjusted with the V and B keys, the octave can be changed with N and M. C toggles sustain mode.
Press Space to stop all sounds. If you click a key with the mouse, move the mouse away and release the button, you can create a note that plays permanently.
There is no way to really win or lose in Simon mode, your score in the title bar simply keeps increasing if you get a sequence right. If you want to generate a different melody, just switch to piano mode and back again.
- Sound effects created PySynth (https://github.com/mdoege/PySynth)
- Graphics created with GIMP (https://www.gimp.org/)
- OGG conversion with SOX (http://sox.sourceforge.net/)