- terraform [https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html]
- python 3.8 [https://www.python.org/downloads/]
- awsume [https://awsu.me]
- pre-commit [https://pre-commit.com/]
Manually create the S3 bucket for Terraform backend with the name tf-state-manager
with enable Bucket Versioning. The backend also supports state locking and consistency checking via Dynamo DB, which can define by the dynamodb_table
field - create DynamoDB table with the name tf-state-manager
, the table must have a primary key named LockID with type of string.
Execute all Terraform commands from the infrastructure
- Create Terraform workspace
terraform workspace new $workspace_name
terraform workspace select $workspace_name
- Init Terraform project
terraform init
- Apply Terraform project to AWS
terraform apply -var-file=development/development.tfvars --auto-approve
Destroy environment:
terraform destroy -var-file=development/development.tfvars --auto-approve
Install tests requirements:
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
Run unit tests:
pytest tests --html=report.html -vv
Run integration tests:
pytest -vv -x --environment="{terraform_workspace_name}" --tf_state_bucket_name="{tf_state_bucket_name}" integration_tests --html=report.html
Install pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
You can run pre-commmit manually:
pre-commit run --all-files